CRTNT Project & Cosmic RayτNeutrino (>1 PeV) Measurement Zhen Cao IHEP, Beijing, China, University of Utah 2018/11/23 Zhen Cao
Collaborators: Zhen Cao Alfred M. Huang Pierre Sokolsky Yuting Hu 2018/11/23 Zhen Cao
Introduction νe: νμ: ντ = 1:1:1 IceCube, ANTRAES, NESTOR, BAIKAL… Ultra High Energy Neutrino: Air shower vs. single muon ντ to air shower: ντ -> τ + X; τ-> e + νe + ντ 18% τ-> hardron’s + ντ 65% Existing Air Shower Technique: Fluorescence/Cerenkov Light Detector: HiRes/Dice … 2018/11/23 Zhen Cao
ντ to air shower conversion 2018/11/23 Zhen Cao
CRTNT Project ------- Cosmic Ray Tau Neutrino Telescope 12(16) HiRes-type FL/CL Telescopes 5.0m2 Spherical mirror for UV light collection 256 PMT’s cluster for shower imaging 3 sites in front of a mountain Mt. Wheeler Peak between Utah & Nevada FOV: 3x(60 deg x 14 deg) 2018/11/23 Zhen Cao
2018/11/23 Zhen Cao
2018/11/23 Zhen Cao
2018/11/23 Zhen Cao
Mt. Wheeler Peak near Utah/Nevada Border 2018/11/23 Zhen Cao
Tau-neutrino Induced Air Shower Initiating 3 Sites of CRTNT Detectors & Tau-neutrino Induced Air Shower Initiating Positions 2018/11/23 Zhen Cao
One of 3 sites: 4 telescopes to cover 60x14 deg2 2018/11/23 Zhen Cao
Tau Neutrino Induced Air Shower AGN and other Neutrino source model Energy loss of tau inside Converter FL/CL detector trigger efficiency 2018/11/23 Zhen Cao
Predicted Neutrino Spectra: AGN & GZK (1996) (1996) 2018/11/23 Zhen Cao
The total detection efficiency of tau neutrinos from AGN is 1.4x10-5 The expected event number per year is 4.8 events A duty cycle of 15% is assumed considering a possibility of running with moon partially 2018/11/23 Zhen Cao
Conclusion Proposed CRTNT Project Has a Sensitivity for AGN Tau Neutrino Detection Using HiRe/Dice-type FL/CL Telescopes 3 Site Detector Has Been Optimized Using Simulation Tool Could See 4.8 Events per Year above 1 PeV (15% Duty Cycle) 2018/11/23 Zhen Cao