, fully fitted with seatbelts. Crossing to France by Eurotunnel. Travel: By air-conditioned coach, fully fitted with seatbelts. Leaving very early morning from Crowdys Hill School on Wednesday 24 April and returning late evening on Friday 26 April 2019. Crossing to France by Eurotunnel. Crowdys Hill School Battlefields Tour Wednesday 24 – Friday 26 April 2019 Site visits included in the trip: Accommodation: Peace Village Hotel, Nieuwkerkestraat 9, 8957 Ieper, Belgium Students will be in small groups in a room. Each room has an en-suite shower room and toilet. Teachers rooms will be along the same corridor as the students. If you wish to look for yourselves the website address is: www.peacevillage.be/en , fully fitted with seatbelts. Crossing to France by Eurotunnel. -conditioned coach, fully fitted with seatbelts. Hooge Crater Museum In Flanders Fields Museum Hill 62 and Sanctuary Wood Trenches , Crossing to France by Eurotunnel. -conditioned coach, fully fitted with seatbelts. Food: Full breakfast and evening meal with drinks provided at the Peace Village. Packed lunch and drink provided by the Peace Village for students each day. Passchendaele Memorial Museum and trench experience Tynecot Commonwealth war Graves cemetery Evening Activities: Students will be fully supervised by staff in the evenings. On the first evening Crowdys Hill staff will arrange team building activities for students in the hotel grounds. On the second evening students will be attending a short memorial service to the World War One dead at the Menin Gate in Ypres. This happens every evening of the year and representatives from the school will be chosen to lay a wreath of poppies during the ceremony. , fully fitted with seatbelts. Crossing to France by Eurotunnel. -conditioned coach, fully fitted with seatbelts. Langemarck German cemetery and bunkers All of these sites have websites which can provide more information about what students will see at them. Ypres town centre Menin Gate Ceremony