Unleashing the power of customized reports testing framework Sri Rama Krishnamurthi – Senior Project manager Infosys
Abstract Data is the core element for Bankers, Retailers and for any big organizations and Governments. Data is flowing into the reports for analysis and critical Business decisions. Reporting Software's are getting upgraded, migrated over time. Verifying 1000 + reports manually during every upgrade, migration, regression testing in a shorter time period is next to impossible. Automation Data testing tools range from COTS to the one developed by software development vendors and the in-house tools. Still there are lot of gaps from the testing needs and the tools supply to have 100% validation for data and format. Hence the need of a flexible framework arises for reports migration validation. This paper captures the power of custom frameworks to fulfil 100% automated data testing. Java comes with wide range of methods, objects to read, compare data from various file formats, compare formats, images, graphs, etc., and to write the results into custom formats. These methods can be used effectively and customise the validation framework as per the project requirements to achieve 100% automated reports comparison.
Reports Migration / Upgrade Challenges in Reports Testing Migrating and validating 1000s of Reports from the existing platform to the new platform Reports Migration / Upgrade 1000s of Reports Different File formats Apple to Apple Migration, Minor Transformation Data, Charts, Images Reports exported into CSV, Excel, RTF, PDF formats Customer reports need to be in same format with same data Minor change in data All data, charts, graphs, need to be migrated, recreated
Custom Reports Testing Framework As seen in the challenges, the requirements range from data validation, transform check, pattern, chart comparison etc., The problem with the standard validation tools is that it can’t cover all validation. Client would need to procure multiple tools, customize it further. A Custom Reports Testing Framework can be built to fulfill all of such reports testing requirements. This will be a cost effective compared to multiple tools. Requirement Develop Test Deploy Certify The initial requirements will being collected and the Framework will be built to validate those requirements. As and when more requirements, different report format getting added, the existing framework will be reused, enhanced. Agile development methodology is recommended to build the framework as the new changes can be built, tested on the same day.
Framework Architecture Modules Input Output List of Files Comparison Results PDF Comparison Source Path File Comparison Target Path RTF Comparison Result Path Java Code Jar Files Back End Success Story Framework successfully implemented for a Reports upgrade project for a major Banking client 4000+ reports have been compared in short span of time Framework is being customized for redeploying into multiple Business Areas
Benefits Easy to maintain Java Framework Framework can be easily built in any client network Can be extended to compare almost all types of files More flexible to customize for different reporting requirements Results can be customized for different types of files 15 – 30% efforts savings on reports testing
References & Appendix http://tutorials.jenkov.com/java/methods.html https://commons.apache.org/proper/commons-io/index.html http://commons.apache.org/index.html https://poi.apache.org/index.html
Author Biography Sri Rama Krishnamurthi is a Senior Project Manager with Infosys having 17 years of software testing experience in various domains like GIS, finance, banking, retail and product testing. He is practicing BI testing for more than 10 Years. Test Data Management and MDM Testing are other areas of his expertise.
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