Puyallup School District Substitute Services SmartFind Express Tutorial
Overview You have the capability to self-report SICK and EMERGENCY leave only. Automated system and website: (253) 840-8869 Juhi Welcome a Web URL: https://sub.puyallup.k12.wa.us/logOnInitAction.do
Overview In order to take the following leave you must go through your regional substitute coordinator and/or the HR director, approvals by your building principal is not authorization. Leave cannot be taken without prior approval and you must have leave to take leave. Personal Leave Bereavement Leave Professional Development Leave Maternity/Paternity Leave Adoption Jury Duty Subpoena PEA/Union
Let’s Start!
Creating an Absence:
Continue: Either enter “SICK” or “EMERGENCY” Required substitute varies upon position Select date range Teachers are charged by half-day and full day. Any under 4 hours is half-day, anything over 4 hours is full day. Substitute ID #, OR look up by name If substitute has agreed you’ll select YES or if you want the system to call this substitute first, leave NO selected. Enter text instructions and/or attach lesson plans
Once you see this, you know your absences has been created! Finishing touch: Once you see this, you know your absences has been created!
Cancelling Absence: If you didn’t mean to enter in an absence OR simply made a mistake and want to start over, here are the steps to cancel:
Q & A: So now that we’ve entered and cancelled an absence, I’m opening the floor for anyone to ask questions
Sub Coordinator Contacts Substitute Office Sub Coordinator Contacts Johna Noble: Substitutes with last name beginning with A - H region1substitutecoordinator@puyallup.k12.wa.us and phone #: 253-840-8824 TylerAnn Maringer: Substitutes with last name beginning with I - P region2substitutecoordinator@puyallup.k12.wa.us and phone #: 253-841-8607 Holly Jette: Substitutes with last name beginning with Q - Z region3substitutecoordinator@puyallup.k12.wa.us & phone #: 253-841-8788
Thank you!