Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work 23/11/2018 Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work Evelin Toth Mucciacciaro, ACTRAV ITC-ILO
ILO – UN agency for the world of work 23/11/2018 ILO – UN agency for the world of work "Experience shows that economic growth is not sufficient. We must do more to empower individuals through decent work, support people through social protection, and ensure the voices of the poor and marginalized are heard. As we continue our efforts to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals, let us make social justice central to achieving equitable and sustainable growth for all."
23/11/2018 Recap DAY 1: ILO Values Universal and lasting peace can be established only if it is based on social justice Labour is not a commodity Freedom of expression and association are essential to sustained progress Poverty anywhere constitutes a danger everywhere
Recap DAY 1: Role and Content of ILS 23/11/2018 ILS help to establish a supervised framework of rules for a fair globalization. ILS lay down a web of standards agreed upon by all major players in the global economy (governments, employer representatives, and worker representatives). International labour standards are legal instruments drawn up by the ILO's constituents (governments, employers and workers) with a view to setting out basic principles and rights at work and to regulate other areas of the world of work. These standards primarily take the form of Conventions and Recommendations and sometimes of Protocols. Protocols are partial and optional revisions or amendments of earlier Conventions. The ILO also adopts other instruments, such as Declarations and Resolutions containing formal and authoritative statements reaffirming the importance which the tripartite constituents attach to certain principles and values. Since 1919, the ILO has adopted 189 Conventions. With change, about half of those have become out-of-date. Today, 82 Conventions set forth up to date standards and principles. They address a wide array of topics, ranging from « core » principles, to wages and hours, and from social protection and the need for adequate enforcement (labour inspection), to the special needs of distinct occupational groups.
ILO Declarations Concerning Int. Labour Standards 23/11/2018 Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work Tripartite Declaration on Principles on Multinational Enterprises and Social Policy Declaration on Social Justice for a fair Globalization
Four Areas of Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work 23/11/2018 Freedom of association and the right of collective bargaining Forced labour Child labour Discrimination at work
Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work 23/11/2018 Its purpose is first of all to give a human face to globalization by promoting social justice, fairness and alleviation of poverty Declaration obliges Member States, by their belonging to the ILO, whether or not they have ratified the corresponding Conventions, to respect, promote and implement fundamental principles and rights at work contained in 8 fundamental Conventions It concentrates in particular on measures taken by governments to promote 4 fundamental principles established in the Declaration
Fundamental Conventions 23/11/2018 Fundamental Conventions All Members have an obligation to respect their principles, irrespective of ratification
Ratification of Fundamental Conventions 23/11/2018
ILO Conventions in Force in Your Countries 23/11/2018
Freedom of association and effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining 23/11/2018 Freedom of Association and Protection of the Right to Organise Convention , 1948 (No. 87) 153 ratifications Right to Organise and Collective Bargaining Convention, 1949 (No. 98) 164 ratifications
C. 87 and 98 in force in your countries 23/11/2018 Member State C. 87 C. 98 C.98 Algeria Morocco - Angola Mozambique Bahrain Myanmar Bangladesh Namibia Cape Verde Nepal Egypt Nigeria Ethiopia Oman Ghana Pakistan Guinea-Bissau Philippines India Sao Tome and Principe Indonesia Sierra Leone Iraq South Africa Jordan Tunisia Lebanon Viet Nam Mauritius Zambia
Elimination of all forms of forced or compulsory labour 23/11/2018 Elimination of all forms of forced or compulsory labour Forced Labour Convention, 1930 (No. 29) 178 ratifications Abolition of Forced Labour Convention, 1957 (No. 105) 175 ratifications
C. 29 and 105 in force in your countries 23/11/2018 Member State C. 29 C. 105 Algeria Morocco Angola Mozambique Bahrain Myanmar - Bangladesh Namibia Cape Verde Nepal Egypt Nigeria Ethiopia Oman Ghana Pakistan Guinea-Bissau Philippines India Sao Tome and Principe Indonesia Sierra Leone Iraq South Africa Jordan Tunisia Lebanon Viet Nam Mauritius Zambia
Effective abolition of child labour 23/11/2018 Effective abolition of child labour Minimum Age Convention, 1973 (No. 138) 169 ratifications Worst Forms of Child Labour Convention, 1999 (No. 182) 180 ratifications
C. 138 and 182 in force in your countries 23/11/2018 Member State C. 138 C. 182 Algeria Morocco Angola Mozambique Bahrain Myanmar - Bangladesh Namibia Cape Verde Nepal Egypt Nigeria Ethiopia Oman Ghana Pakistan Guinea-Bissau Philippines India Sao Tome and Principe Indonesia Sierra Leone Iraq South Africa Jordan Tunisia Lebanon Viet Nam Mauritius Zambia
Elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation 23/11/2018 Equal Remuneration Convention, 1951 (No. 100) 172 ratifications Discrimination (Employment and Occupation) Convention, 1958 (No. 111) 173 ratifications
C. 100 and 111 in force in your countries 23/11/2018 Member State C. 100 C. 111 Algeria Morocco Angola Mozambique Bahrain - Myanmar Bangladesh Namibia Cape Verde Nepal Egypt Nigeria Ethiopia Oman Ghana Pakistan Guinea-Bissau Philippines India Sao Tome and Principe Indonesia Sierra Leone Iraq South Africa Jordan Tunisia Lebanon Viet Nam Mauritius Zambia
Follow up of the Declaration 23/11/2018 Follow up of the Declaration The Declaration and its Follow-up provide three ways to help countries, employers and workers achieve the full realization of the Declaration’s objective: Annual Review Reports: composed of reports from countries that have not yet ratified one or more of the ILO Conventions that directly relate to the specific principles and rights stated in the Declaration. This reporting process provides Governments with an opportunity to state what measures they have taken towards achieving respect for the Declaration. It also gives organizations of employers and workers a chance to voice their views on progress made and actions taken. Global Reports: provide a dynamic global picture of the current situation of the principles and rights expressed in the Declaration. The Global Report is an objective view of the global and regional trends on the issues relevant to the Declaration and serves to highlight those areas that require greater attention. It serves as a basis for determining priorities for technical cooperation. Technical Cooperation Projects, the third way to give effect to the Declaration, are designed to address identifiable needs in relation to the Declaration and to strengthen local capacities thereby translating principles into practice.
Examples of Global Reports 23/11/2018 Examples of Global Reports Freedom of association in practice: Lessons learned. Global Report under the follow-up to the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work. Report of the Director-General, 2008 A global alliance against forced labour. Global report under the follow-up to the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work. Report of the Director-General, 2005 Accelerating action against child labour; Global Report under the follow-up to the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work – 2010 Equality at work: The continuing challenge - Global Report under the follow-up to the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, 2011
Where to find info on the Declaration? 23/11/2018 Where to find info on the Declaration?;;