Workshop Assessment
Suggestions for improvement 3.9 Suggestions for improvement Provide real examples from the region and use actual statistics Have more time (for discussions) Give more consideration to specific group of countries All documents should be made available in both languages Provide hard copies
Suggestions for improvement 3.8 Suggestions for improvement More time should be given for demonstration/practical operation of the module
The presenter must talk slowly 4.0 Suggestions for improvement Need to dedicate more time to practice the models v.s. shorter presentations The presenter must talk slowly The statistical methods for downscaling should also be presented Take into account the fact that some participants do not have the necessary background Would need the handouts before the presentation or even the workshop
Should also include reference to SIDS 3.5 Suggestions for improvement Impossible to follow the presentation as it was really too fast! Need for an exercise Too long Should also include reference to SIDS
Focus on practical demonstration 4.0 Suggestions for improvement Need to be more strict with time allocation Focus on practical demonstration
Suggestions for improvement Need to be given more time for this sector 4.3 Suggestions for improvement Need to be given more time for this sector Put more emphasis on methods Better consider the specificity of SIDS Provide handouts in advance
Suggestions for improvement Utilize time more efficiently 3.6 Suggestions for improvement Utilize time more efficiently
Appreciate the many practical results provided 3.9 Suggestions for improvement More time would be necessary for greater effectiveness The presentation should be shorter, because it is difficult to stay focused Appreciate the many practical results provided
Suggestions for improvement 4.2 Suggestions for improvement Presentation should focus on the essential/main points
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