The Holy Roman Empire & The Church (Section 2)
Otto I In 936 became king of Germany Helped the pope defeat rebellious Roman nobles. 962 the pope crowned Otto emperor
Struggle for Control German emperors faced many problems couldn’t control vassals Argued with the pope about appointing church officials
Feud Between Pope and Emperor Pope Gregory VII wanted to separate the church from Kings Banned lay investiture: Appointment of bishops by anyone who is not a member of the clergy King Henry IV was upset with the pope. Insulted the pope King Henry IV gets excommunicated
Henry was forced to make peace The pope lifted the ban of excommunication Henry returns to Rome with his army and forces the pope into exile.
Concordat of Worms The struggle for lay investiture dragged on for 50 years 1122 both sides accepted a treaty known as the Concordat of Worms. This treaty declared the Church had power to elect bishops
Struggle for Italy Emperors try to control Italy and come into conflict with Popes Frederick Barbarossa “Red Beard”, fought to bring wealthy cities of northern Italy under his control Conflicts with popes and emperors last for many years