make sure you have signed in to this training.
Secretary Training Goodge Eracleous Student Groups Coordinator Beyond your degree Secretary Training Goodge Eracleous Student Groups Coordinator
being a secretary what am I expected to do? Discuss in pairs what you feel are the main responsibilities of being a secretary within your society
being a secretary what am I expected to do? Keep your club/society page on the website, social media accounts and email inbox up to date and organised Make sure information is circulated among your members – you’ll be the keeper of the email accounts! Book rooms for meetings and events and make sure your members know when and where they are and make sure you have a risk assessment Liaise with the Union about any external speakers you want to invite Market your events Organise storage for your society Take minutes at your meetings (keep note of general agreements made)
your members
your members how many do we have? Do you know how many members you have at the moment? You can see your member list on the website! You need to have 20 members to remain a society.
your members get talking! Your members aren’t going to know what’s going on unless you tell them Make sure for every event/meeting you a) email through the website b) post on social media c) create the event on the SU website d) tell people of the next event at the end of the current one We can help you get the message out to other students with posters and tweets Make sure you pass on union communications about your society to all your committee members
your members social media
events let us know! If you want to put on an event or trip (and you should!) it is your responsibility to make sure we know about it Ensure deadlines and responsibilities are written down during the meeting to prevent conflict later on! How do I book rooms and communicate with members?! Rooms should always be booked through here with a minimum of 3 working days notice:
events things to consider Give members plenty of notice about the event using different forms of communication Make sure people buy tickets or sign up Fill in a risk assessment Book your rooms/travel Make sure everything is paid for Talk to us to find out what you need to fill in (trip permission forms, UEA booking forms)
our expectations alcohol and socials….. Initiations are NOT allowed What counts as an initiation? The expectation to have to do something in order to feel accepted into a group, which may include: drinking alcohol, eating mixtures of various food stuffs, nudity and any other behaviour that may be deemed humiliating. Even if you say it’s optional, by giving someone the choice, you are putting pressure on them to do something they may not want to do Drinking games are not allowed Do not force, or put pressure on others to drink, or to drink to excess You must have someone sober on every drinking social No socials can be held in University accommodation
agendas & minutes
events Keeping your society’s records You should have at least one AGM a year, recommend one per semester Don’t have to be formal, good to make notes when informal as well! You’ll be organising meetings and making sure people know when they are If agendas or minutes need to be written, that will be your job! You’ll send these to your members/committee when needed
agendas & minutes your responsibilities when it comes to meetings Pink post its: Before the meeting Green post its: During the meeting Yellow post its: After the meeting
agendas & minutes your responsibilities when it comes to meetings
resolving conflict
resolving conflict Keeping your society’s records You have one of the most important roles in preventing conflict within your committee Make sure all details of agreements are written down in some form with dates, especially action points! The president may need these to help identify if a problem is arising
the app
the app eXpense365 One of your responsibilities as part of the main 3 committee members is to approve all payments from your society account Reimbursements are done through the app You can download now it for android and IOS Ask your treasurer for more detailed information about invoices etc. DEMO TIME!
GDPR – what is it? It stands for the General Data Protection Regulation New legislation coming into effect in May 2018, so we need to be prepared! Outlines how data can be stored and used, to give control back to citizens and residents over how their personal data is used
How does this effect my club or society? No details can be collected on paper This includes getting members to write their names and email addresses down, or taking paper registers at events You are only allowed to use people’s data for the exact reason they gave it to you For example, if people have signed up for your society, you are only permitted to email them about society related activities. You can’t use their data to try to sell them things etc, as they have not consented to their data being used in this way.
What should I do instead? Collect all data through the website If you need an attendance list for an event, get people to buy a ticket through the website and you will get a list of those who have done so. The tickets can be free If you really need to take a paper register, please contact us at and we can organise something with you.
What happens now? By signing the register of this training session you are confirming that you have heard and understood the implications of the GDPR, and accept that you will treat all data accordingly You must take a copy of the GDPR agreement with you when you leave this training
useful contacts
useful contacts Your activities and opportunities officer Camille Koosyial Elected by students Helps improve the student experience Will help you through any issues you may have Until July: Cam Koosyial August Onwards: Oli Gray
useful contacts Opportunities z Goodge Eracleous Societies Coordinator Money Societies exec Society development General questions Website Elections Training Alun Minifey Head of Opportunities Department Oversees the department Helps implement the elected officer’s manifesto Aden Fry Student events coordinator Events Risk Assessments Trips
useful contacts Opportunities Dale Thomas Do Something Different Organises the DSD programme Event running Victoria Cook Student enterprise coordinator Enterprise Pop-up markets Fundraising Jumara Begum Buddy coordinator Organises the Buddy Programme Event running
useful contacts other departments
useful contacts other departments Union Info Union House Reception Contact them about: General union queries and information General website queries Booking a room Printing Society Packages that have been delivered to Union House
useful contacts union opportunities Money enquiries: General enquiries:
Student transformation weekend 9th-10th of September You are invited! What is it? A residential camping trip with FREE food, accommodation, travel and entertainment Develop your teamwork and leadership skills Make new friends Where is it? @ Hautbois Activity Centre (north of Norwich) Tickets are FREE! Sign up!
Thanks for coming! Any questions?