Give your organization a competitive advantage What could you do with the money tied up in your accounts receivable if you had that cash today? Have you ever wished that every patient paid with cash instead of an insurance card? Are cash flow constraints limiting your ability to grow? Would you like to regain leverage over your vendors and suppliers? Are there services or products you would like to offer but don’t have the working capital to do so? If you’d like the freedom of operating your business on an all-cash basis, contact one of our representatives today. benefits Improve cash flow - Predictable daily cash flow eliminates payroll worries. Save money - Take advantage of “quick-pay” and volume discounts from vendors and suppliers. Grow your business - Open a new location, offer additional products or services, purchase equipment, add staff , acquire competitors and/or increase inventory. Improve Collections – Value-added reporting tools identify and target underperforming claims. The Bottom Line is Increased Profits! How does it work? You submit claims to the bank as often as you bill them. The bank purchases your claims and funds are deposited into your operating account within 24 to 48 hours. You maintain control over the collecting and posting process. getting started For more information about A|RxMed Funding, call 615.373-3813x 216 or