cOLLEGIX & Supporting tools and how to fill out the forms to gain access to Collegix & SentryFile
What is collegix Collegix, also known as CAMPUS, is our student information system (SIS)/database and a product of Aptron. Aptron is the vendor that maintains the base system, Brenau specific customizations and updates our student information system. Collegix data can be accessed through computer applications such as Accuterm (aka Collegix7), MVQuery and our web based student and faculty/Staff portal known as CampusWEB. In the next few slides there are summaries of what these applications are used for.
Accuterm or Collegix7 Accuterm (now known as Collegix7), is a desktop application that allows users to log in to the student information system (SIS) using network dependent credentials (username & password used to log into your Brenau computer) to view, add or modify student, faculty and staff information (when appropriate permissions are created to access these areas).
MVQuery MVQuery is a desktop application and reporting tool used to pull data from Collegix about students or personnel (if permissions are added to allow access). USers can create reports or use existing reports that have been created by other faculty and staff in the Reports or Q drive if you have access to the same tables/files. This application uses network dependent credentials (username & password used to log into your Brenau computer).
campusweb CampusWEB is the student and faculty/staff web based portal. Students use this portal to check grades, request transcripts, register for classes, check financial aid, pay tuition, etc. Faculty use this portal to submit grades, check rosters, generate student pins, etc. To log in you need to use your six-digit student or faculty/staff ID and pin/password. This area is not network dependent so it won't use the network or lab computer user name and password.
Sentryfile SentryFile is our web based document management system. This is a repository of student documents and departmental documents organized by cabinets. Documents are scanned, indexed, and stored in various cabinets depending on their relationship and their use at the university. Some cabinets are not student centric so they may only include documents based on committee activities like meeting minutes and policies. Those cabinets that are student centric should include indexing information including student ID, first name and last name to make it easier to find related documents. The log in credentials for Sentry file are your network username and password. The Sentry File document management system is located at this link. This is a web based interface.
Filling out forms for permission Collegix form link and video tutorial Sentryfile form link and video tutorial Sentryfile form link for ags employees use same video tutorial as above Once you fill out the form(s) they are sent to the appropriate approvers through email alerts. You will see a confirmation screen appear on pressing submit and a follow up email will be sent to explain how to log in and information about your log in credentials will also be conveyed.