Investing our time and money where it matters most. Bundling services Investing our time and money where it matters most. Author/s: [insert date] [Insert school logo]
Our resourcing challenges [Insert school resources and administration challenges] Limited resources Lack of time to focus on what’s important Too much administration
Bundling services is a way we can: Achieve cost savings. Create operational efficiencies. Simplify administration processes. Reduce duplication of effort. Share good practice.
Examples of what we can do [Insert potential examples relevant to your group] Align property management plans. Share project management resources. Bulk purchase good and services , ie office supplies. Share facilities or school maintenance resources. Collectively buy electricity.
Savings benefits Any savings we make can help resource new initiatives, programmes or resources: [Insert potential examples relevant to your school] More time to support teachers. New equipment. Staff development.
Our group’s unique advantage [Insert list of existing school expertise or positive recent examples of cross- school collaboration] We are already working with other schools in our community. We have systems, resources, suppliers in common with other schools, ie the same alarm systems company. We have information, expertise and data to share, ie our great accounting system or staff with procurement experience/expertise.
Start small and grow Ideas to get us started: Support a working group to meet monthly to explore some ideas for us. Complete an activity survey to find out more about our spending areas and what knowledge and expertise we can share. Find out more about our common suppliers. Create a shared contracts register so when contracts are due we can collectively negotiate improved terms. Sign up to an All-of-Government (AoG) contract.
Average AoG contract savings Schools may achieve savings up to this level. Savings have been calculated on average school spend. Provided by the Ministry of Business and Innovation based on 2017 data -
Available information and support Use the Bundled Services Toolkit to help us get started. Talk to our Ministry of Education regional Lead Advisor about change management support to guide us through the change process. Email for more information.
Where to from here? [Insert desired outcomes from presentation] Agree first steps. Approval to generate a potential cost savings report. Provide more information in follow-up report. Approval to form a working group.
Investing our time and money where it matters most. [Insert school logo]