Protozoa “first animal”
Amoebiasis (Amoebic Dysentery) Readings question #6: How do the cysts of the protozoan amoeba Entamoeba histolytica cause disease in the human? Diagnosis: feces serological tests
Malaria Readings question #7: How does the mosquito transport the microorganism that causes malaria? How is the microorganism transmitted to the human host? Readings question #8: Describe the movement of the Plasmodium protozoa once it has entered the human host and the symptoms that occur.
Uncomplicated Malaria attack lasts 6-10 hours Stages: cold stage hot stage sweating stage
Severe Malaria always a medical emergency manifestations: cerebral malaria severe anemia hemoglobinuria pulmonary edema thrombocytopenia cardiovascular collapse
Malaria Relapses may occur months or even years without symptoms due to dormant liver stage parasites that may reactivate
Toxoplasmosis Readings question #9: How can humans contract toxoplasmosis? What is the most common form of transmission? Pregnant women Readings question #10: What are the symptoms of toxoplasmosis?