GAS EXCHANGE IN INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINES MTZ Conference – Engine 7th and 8th November 2007 Stuttgart Gas Exchange in a Combustion Engine An Example
Accurate determination of important gas exchange parameters directly at the test bed based on existing measured values Dr. Robert Fairbrother, development simulation GCA Dipl.-Ing. Fernando Moreno Nevado, development gasoline engines, Franz Hirschmann, development GUI-GCA, Dr. Thomas Leifert, product management GCA AVL List GmbH
GCA contents Principle Analysis Combustion Gas exchange Losses Indicating contents Test Bed Principle Analysis Combustion Gas exchange Losses Test bed: an example Conclusion GCA Simulation
AVL GCA : Working Principle and Motivation At the test bed Exhaust pressure curve Intake pressure curve Cylinder pressure curve
AVL GCA : Working Principle and Motivation At the test bed Exhaust pressure curve Intake pressure curve Cylinder pressure curve In the simulation Reduced AVL BOOST Model Combustion analysis Highly relevant, non-measurable in-cylinder parameters are made available (e.g. internal AGR). - Accuracy high - Calibrating effort low - Calculation time low
Combustion Analysis
GCA_C_Valve_Lift_Intake GCA_C_Valve_Lift_Exhaust Gas Exchange Analysis Presssures & Flows GCA_C_Valve_Lift_Intake GCA_C_Valve_Lift_Exhaust GCA_C_*_Exhaust_Boundary e.g. GCA_C_Pressure_Exhaust_Boundary GCA_C_*_Intake_Boundary e.g. GCA_C_Pressure_Intake_Boundary GCA_C_*_Intake e.g. GCA_C_Pressure_Intake GCA_C_*_Exhaust e.g. GCA_C_Pressure_Exhaust GCA_C_Mass_Flow_Intake GCA_C_Mass_Flow_Exhaust BURN_C_ROHR (Only values after start of combustion are used and are normalized by BOOST) GCA_C_ROHR GCA_C_Pressure
Loss Analysis Ideal engine Real charge Combustion position Unburned Burn profile (ROHR) Mixture properties Wall heat Blow by Ideal gas exchange Real gas exchange
EXAMPLE VALVE OVERLAPING Valve overlapping: 20 deg CA Exhaust Intake valve lift Exhaust Intake mass flow
EXAMPLE VALVE OVERLAPING Valve overlapping: 30 deg CA Exhaust Intake valve lift Exhaust Intake mass flow
EXAMPLE VALVE OVERLAPING Valve overlapping: 40 deg CA Exhaust Intake valve lift Exhaust Intake mass flow
EXAMPLE VALVE OVERLAPING Valve overlapping: 50 deg CA Exhaust Intake valve lift Exhaust Intake mass flow
EXAMPLE VALVE OVERLAPING Valve overlapping: 60 deg CA Exhaust Intake valve lift Exhaust Intake mass flow
RESULTS AT SPEED 2000 rpm, BMEP = 2 bar, = 1 -7% Increasing valve overlaping means: Increase of total mass and residual gas at IVC Lower amount of fresh charge Increase of residual gas content Lower specific fuel consumption Increase of efficiency
SOLUTION: LOSS ANALYSIS Mixture properties Wall heat Efficiency +2%
MIXTURE PROPERTIES k k - 1 k cp = • R cp hth valve overlaping time 60 °KW 20 °KW specific heat cp kJ kg • K = 0,9 p = 10 bar l = 100.000 p = 1 bar temperature K Temperature K k cp k - 1 = • R 1 V , th - = k e h cp k hth
CONCLUSION Accurate determination of important gas exchange parameters directly at the test bed based on existing measured values 2% AVL-GCA