How Local Government Agencies Balance Interests and Resolve Conflicts
APK: The Local Government should do what is better for the city not the people. Take a position and write at least a one paragraph(5sentences) response to this prompt explaining why you agree or disagree □ Agree □ Disagree
What Services are Usually Provided by Counties in North Carolina? Community Colleges Like Public Schools, Community Colleges receive both state and local money to perform daily operations Court Facilities Jails Soil and Water Conservation Youth Detention Facilities
Services Provided by Municipalities Buses/ Public Transportation Public Bus routes and sidewalks Police Protection Providing service and protection to citizens Public Housing Safe and sanitary housing Public Utilities Water, Sewer, Electricity, Natural Gas, Telephone, and Cable
How do cities and counties solicit citizen input? Town Meetings: A gathering of the town’s eligible voters obtain community feedback on public policies cast legally binding votes on issues like levying taxes, making spending decisions, and electing officers
Public Hearings Hearings in which citizens have a formal opportunity to be heard by the government prior to its making a decision
What are some ways in which the government can control the development of its land? Zoning : A system for land-use regulation. Densities of the populations Height of buildings
What are some ways in which the government can control the development of its land? Annexation: The legal incorporation of one territory into another political entity Extraterritorial Jurisdiction (ETJ): The legal ability of government to use authority beyond its normal boundaries
What conflict does annexation cause in North Carolina? The Controversy: General Statutes make it easy for NC cities and towns to expand their boundaries, and the primary reason for annexation is rapid growth because municipalities need more money and a larger tax base Pro: Growth of services Con: Ignore the desires of those living in the annexed area; Higher property taxes Ordinances
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