Developing a Catechetical Session CAT105/Session 4 Youth Evangelization November 23, 2018
1. All catechesis is teaching for conversion: November 23, 2018 1. All catechesis is teaching for conversion: “The definitive aim of Catechesis is to put people not only in touch, but also in communion and intimacy with Jesus Christ” (CT 5).
1. All catechesis is teaching for conversion: November 23, 2018 1. All catechesis is teaching for conversion: Catechetical sessions aim to teach not impersonal concepts but realities and truth revealed by God that put us in communion with Christ.
1. All catechesis is teaching for conversion: November 23, 2018 1. All catechesis is teaching for conversion: A catechetical session is never just intellectual, also never is it just relational, the engagement of both the head and heart is necessary to move people to conversion.
1. All catechesis is teaching for conversion November 23, 2018 1. All catechesis is teaching for conversion Teaching doctrine, making connections with life, illustrating the harmony of faith and sources of revelation make up the components of teaching for conversion.
2. Preparing a session for teens includes November 23, 2018 2. Preparing a session for teens includes Starting in prayer – pray for the teens Remembering the goal - Conversion Using the Catechism and good resources in teen catechesis Develop an outline that will engage teens Set a prayerful environment, especially with music
2. Preparing a session for teens includes November 23, 2018 2. Preparing a session for teens includes Plan the length of time for each portion of the meeting Chose the right Scriptures that they will comprehend Decide how the teens’ reflect on the material Allow for prayerful contemplation Organize materials to be sent home Challenge to apostolic action Post-Session – Don’t forget to EVALUATE
3. The Ecclesial Method includes: November 23, 2018 3. The Ecclesial Method includes: Preparation Proclamation Explanation Application Celebration See handouts…
As a team come up with a session on God the Father November 23, 2018 For Discussion As a team come up with a session on God the Father Take 20 minutes to plan Make your session applicable to your specific age group Be prepared to share your plan