State Legislative Branch Unit 27
State Legislative Branch Legislative branch makes the laws Legislature of the State of Illinois meets each year, beginning the 2nd Wednesday of January and concluding when the legislative work of the state has been completed Extra sessions (after Legislature has adjourned) may be called by the governor
General Assembly General Assembly- main body of the legislative branch; it contains the Senate and the House of Representatives. These two bodies are also known as Legislature General Assembly elected by the people (salary $67,836) Each member of the General Assembly must be 21 years or older, a resident of the district for at least two years and a United States citizen Quorum – Each house has a set as a majority of its members. State constitution requires a majority of members to be present for the House and the Senate to conduct business Each house may punish individuals for contempt or disorderly behavior (no member may be expelled, except by two-thirds vote)
Districts 59 senatorial districts (aka legislative districts) One senator elected for each of these senatorial districts Senatorial districts are divided into half to make up the 118 representative districts One representative is elected from each of the representative districts 59 senators and 118 state representatives
Special Duties General Assembly also does the following: conducts investigations submits constitutional amendments to the people Acts on amendments to the federal constitution Helps plan redistricting every 10 years
State Senate Term is 4 years He/she may be reelected Elections are held in even-numbered years with about half the Senate elected every two years Presiding officer of the Senate is the president of the Senate (elected by all state senators)
Special Duties of the State Senate Senate tries impeachment cases Must approve many of the appointments made by the governor
State House of Representatives 118 State Representatives Term is 2 years Elections are held in even-numbered years Presiding officer of the House is the speaker of the House (elected by the representatives)
Special Duties of the State House House has the sole power to start impeachment proceedings