Pre- and Post-Test: Social Research Methods Leda Nath (Sociology, Criminology & Anthropology) Overview SOC 476 Social Research Methods is a required course in the Sociology and Criminology Major. Using a pre-test and post-test, student learning is assessed. 2015 results lead to minor changes to the course materials. 2016 results reveal that only student self-confidence in material improved, while actual knowledge appears to have remained the same. Further changes for 2017 are planned. Assessment All students in the Spring 2015’s online SOC 476 course were administered an assessment before day 1 of class (i.e., pre-test) and again the last day of the semester (before final exam week; i.e., post-test) and which included both direct and indirect measures of learning outcomes. Results revealed areas of weakness. New teaching methods were implemented into the Spring 2016’s online SOC 476 course and the assessment was completed again. Results Between 2015 and 2016, lectures were reviewed and touched up with more explanation and images. The indirect measures show students appear more self-confident in the course knowledge in the second iteration of the course. The direct measures however, however, do not show any consistent improvement in learning. A third online iteration of the course will adjust existing work to contain more experiential components. Assessment will reveal if this helps or not. Student Learning Outcomes This course will provide you with a general understanding of sociological research and its relevance to your life. Students who complete this course will have gained: Understanding of how science, pseudoscience, and non-scientific claims differ. Quantitative and qualitative literacy, demonstrated through: the study of different methodologies and by designing research; a brief introduction on how to interpret basic statistics; written communication using accurate language about methodology and results. Awareness of ethical issues involved with research.