Building the CoP with the RSD Framework Jade Moore – Library Assistant Vasiti Chambers – Reader Services Librarian, Research
The RSD CoP Partnership Model (2009) The “set- up” and establishment phases started from 2007, reviewed in 2009. The Model explores variety of ways to develop students research skills in alignment to the curriculum. In this model peers (LSAs, Librarians and Faculties) become partners.
Expertise Roles Student Learning Specialists Librarians Curriculum Expertise Teaching Experience Knowledge in developing student academic skills (critical thinking & academic language) Communication Skills Recognise the need for information Determine the extent of information needed Access the needed information efficiently Evaluate the information and its sources Incorporate selected information etc… As Librarians we teach users to be an information literate person Note: Librarians & Learning Student Advisors use RSD to underpin in their practice in teaching and learning strategies Their expertise marries well. Librarians and Student Learning Specialists have a unique and shared expertise. The strength of the two different professions explains the holistic approach to students development of information research and learning skills.
Partnerships Expressed through strategic goals and annual plans of the Library to foster collaborative development & implementation of the programs, resources and services Collaboration– RSD framework is the key part of the Library’s strategic direction in collaboration with the faculties
Outcome of Training (USP Library) In practice: Engaging RSD with the Faculties (Academics & Student Learning Specialists, FYE) Collaboration & Partnership for better research skills for their students (IRS Sessions) Use after survey for IRS sessions to improve our sessions. The use of Libguides for specific courses
Outcome of Training eLearning – Moodle space for Library Work with CFL to explore ways of delivering IRS sessions using the Moodle H5P can also be used in Libguides
Reaching out to students to know Research through the lens of RSD Information Research Skills (IRS) Collaboration & Partnership with SLS for better research skills for our students UU100 & Walk In Sessions LLs to continue & expand the work with course coordinators , involve SLS to align the IRS program to RSD 200/300 levels, Postgraduate Programs Link the IRS activities and mirror it to the RSD framework Informing student research and learning consultations at the library (Info Desk Services)
Liaison Librarian – Team Approach FALE (6) FSTE (7) FBE (9)
Informing Data Collection methods Use the Informing Data Collection methods (LibAns, Ask A Librarian Service, IRS evaluation ) during ASQC, Faculty Research Meetings and Library Advisory Committee as evidence of our work.
RSD Workshop Hosting professional development workshops on RSD application for faculty and library staff Workshop for Library Staff Combine workshop for Librarians & SLS Student Workshop