Gender & Sexuality
Categories of Difference : Intersectionality Cultural Representation Individual Social Interaction Social Structure
Intersections of Race, Class, Gender, and Sexuality Representational Realm The representational realm includes the symbols, language, and images that convey “meanings” in a sociocultural system. Social Interactional Realm Social interaction refers to the norms and behaviors observable in human relations in a sociocultural system. Social Structural Realm The social structural realm involves the institutional sites where power and resources are controlled and distributed in a sociocultural system.
Conceptualizing Gender … Biological Sex: Refers to an individual’s chromosomes, hormones, interior and exterior sex organs, body build, size of breasts, and fat deposits: Intersexes, Females, and Males.
Conceptualizing Gender … Gender: Refers to the socially constructed beliefs, characteristics, roles, and expectations that are imposed on Biological Sex. It assumes that members of the same biological sex share essential characteristics (attributes) that are distinct from, and exclude, members of other biological sexes. “Gender” is a constructed socio-econo-political system.
Conceptualizing Gender … Transgender: Identifying with a gender different from the one with which one is assigned by the culture without utilizing scientific medicine to accomplish that identification. Transsexual: Identifying with a gender different from the one with which one is assigned by the culture utilizing scientific medicine to accomplish that identification.
Sexism and Cissexism … Discrimination against individuals and/or groups based on the socially constructed category of Gender. This is done at both the individual and institutional levels. It is also done overtly and covertly. At the individual level, anyone, regardless of the group, can discriminate (i.e. be a sexist/cissexist). At the institutional level, however, the dominant group, regardless of individuals’ intentions, is the one that is capable of sexism & cissexism.
Conceptualizing Sexuality … Biological Sex Drive Refers to the universal human sexual maturation process (puberty) through which a child biologically becomes and adult capable of reproduction.
Conceptualizing Sexuality… Social Sexual Behavior Refers to the culturally acceptable and promoted sexual behaviors including strategies, activities, interactions and partners.
Hetrosexism … Discrimination against individuals and/or groups based on the socially constructed category of Sexuality. This is done at both the individual and institutional levels. It is also done overtly and covertly. At the individual level, anyone, regardless of the group, can discriminate (i.e. be a hetrosexist). At the institutional level, however, the dominant group, regardless of individuals’ intentions, is the only one that is capable of sexism & cissexism.