The Demand and Supply of High Quality Liquid Collateral Post Financial Crisis Discussion at PBOC/Tsinghua Global Finance Forum by Jian Hu, Managing Director, Moody’s 12 May 2014 The views expressed in this discussion are those of mine and not of Moody’s Investors Service
Agenda Highlights of Sean’s presentation Beyond Diamond and Dybvig (1983) Challenges in determining liquidity requirement Opportunities for bond markets
Highlights “Liquidity run” affected both traditional banks and “shadow banks” and in different ways Liquidity coverage and enhanced central clearing/margin requirements are two key aspects of the “liquidity regulation” post the financial crisis Liquidity coverage requirement is important but difficult to determine More so for shadow banks (derivatives) Supplies of liquid assets are expected to grow – but may not be in the right place
Beyond Diamond and Dybvig (1983) Role of banks – to finance long term investment with short term liabilities (deposits) Two equilibrium exist – one of them is “bank run” Deposit insurance backed by government can prevent bank run Banks as liquidity providers and major sources of funding When demand deposits are not sufficient, and equity capital is expensive, banks have to rely on debt financing The recent financial crisis demonstrates the danger of “liquidity run”
Challenges in determining liquidity requirement Sizing liquid needs Bank operations are super complex Instrument/asset dependent Liquidity need time window Emergence of new credit characteristics and asset types Eligibility criteria/HQLA definition Sovereign bonds, corporate bonds, securitizations, covered bonds Will HQLA be at the right place (where it is most needed) at the right time (when it is most needed)? Cyclicality; regional stresses in a global economy NB- we refined/calibrated the J-curve to ensure that the Money Multiple’s being generated in the model were consistent with those observed in the database.
Opportunities for bond markets Will large banks be incentivized to reduce their long term lending? Koulischer and Struyven (2014): relaxing collateral policy has the potential to increase welfare by reducing the spread between the policy rate and returns in the real economy Will this stimulate the further development of bond markets? Infrastructure and local govt bonds Securitization More liquidity More supply More transparency Evolution of US Bond Market Issuance (billions) NB- we refined/calibrated the J-curve to ensure that the Money Multiple’s being generated in the model were consistent with those observed in the database. Source: SIFMA
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