Before We Start… This video sums up many of the ideas we will be discussing this year as well as demonstrates why we should be aware of the history of the English language History of English Language in 10 Minutes
Anglo-Saxons 449-1066
Anglo-Saxons Historical Background A. Documented history of language B. Celts C. Roman occupation D. Danish Invasion E. Norman Conquest The documented history of the English language begins about A.D. 700, with the oldest written records. We can reconstruct some of the pre-history before that tme to as early as bout 4000 B.C., but the farther back in time we go, the less certain we can be about what the language was like. English is a Germanic language that began its separate existence as a form of Germanic brought by pagan warrior-adventurers from the continent to a then relatively obscure island that the Romans called Britannia, and that had up until a short time before been part of their mighty empire. Over the next five centuries or so, it developed into a distinct language different from that spoken on the continent.
Anglo-Saxons What does “Anglo-Saxon England” mean? Key features of this age of warriors: - Anglo-Saxon society developed from kinship groups led by a strong chief. - The people also farmed, maintained local governments, and created fine crafts, especially metalwork.
Anglo-Saxons Christianity eventually replaced the old warrior religion (Celtic animism), linking England to Continental Europe. Monasteries brought learning and literacy and preserved works from the older oral tradition. English – not just the Church’s Latin – gained respect as a written language (Old English).
Invasion of England: An Overview English traditions and language owe something to each of the island’s invaders. A. They were first invaded by Iberians, then by the Celts, by the Romans, by the Anglo-Saxons, by the Vikings, and by the Normans (p. 4) B. Since the time of the Magna Carta (1215) England has been a democracy in theory. C. America is what it is today due to the influence of English parliamentary government, English literature, and the English language. BBC Special
Celtic Britain Prior to the development of the Anglo Saxon culture, the country was dominated by 27 tribes. Each tribe was made up of several smaller clans; each clan had its own chieftain No centralized government Warfare was very common Brutal
Celtic Britain - Pagan Religion In the 4th Century B.C., the Celts were the first settlers of what is now Great Britain. The Celts did not read or write, so our knowledge of them comes from encounters with the Roman Empire The Romans were scared of the Celtic Britons; these Britons were brutal warriors who often decapitated their victims - Pagan Religion - The religion of the Celts was a form of Animism – they saw spirits everywhere; worship of nature gods These spirits controlled all aspects of existence. The Lost Gods – The Celts
Celtic Britain Druids – priests who were intermediaries between man and spirits. 1. Ritual dances 2. Human sacrifices 3. Stonehenge – used of religious rites having to do with lunar and solar cycles (some people believe) **Some of these traditions are evident in Anglo-Saxon culture. We will watch for this in Beowulf. Rise and Fall of the Druids
Celtic Britain Celtic legends are full of fabulous adventures and strong women. - Celtic legends created King Arthur-the embodiment of English values. Real Life Strong Celtic Woman: Boudicca - she is raped and whipped in public; her children are raped…she leads a revolt against the Romans Barbarians Rising: Boudica
Roman Invasion What is the order of the invaders? The Romans remained in this area for about 300 years. - Romans provided armies and organization that prevented further serious invasion for some time. 1. Built a network of roads 2. Built a great defensive wall 73 miles long. 3. Christianity gradually took hold.
Emergence of Anglo-Saxons In 449 the Angles and Saxons (from Germany) and Jutes (from Denmark) attacked from the north. The Roman Empire fell in 476 A.D. - The Celts put up a strong fight before they retreated to Wales. - One heroic Celtic leader was a Welsh chieftain called Arthur (ruled 526-537). *In which tales is Arthur the hero?
Anglo-Saxons What does “Anglo-Saxon England” mean? Key features of this age of warriors: - Anglo-Saxon society developed from kinship groups led by a strong chief. - The people also farmed, maintained local governments, and created fine crafts, especially metalwork.
Anglo-Saxons: Oral Tradition and Old English Christianity eventually replaced the old warrior religion (Celtic animism), linking England to Continental Europe. Monasteries brought learning and literacy and preserved works from the older oral tradition. What works have you read that were collected from the oral tradition? English – not just the Church’s Latin – gained respect as a written language (Old English). Can you recognize any of the words? Lord’s Prayer in Old English - modern translation
Anglo-Saxons Anglo-Saxon life was dominated by the need to protect the clan and home against enemies. A. Anglo-Saxons were not barbarians but they were a warring people. B. The leader was responsible for law and order. He protected his people. **In return the people must be loyal to the leader. (This is the only way fame, success, and even survival could be gained.)
Anglo-Saxons Despite the growth of Christianity, the Anglo-Saxon religion remained strong. A. The Anglo-Saxon religion was concerned with ethics and earthly virtues such as bravery. B. Important religious figures for the Anglo-Saxons: 1. Woden (Wednesday – god of death, poetry, and magic. He helped humans communicate with spirits.) Woden Clip
Anglo-Saxons 2. Thunor- god of thunder and lightening. His sign was the hammer and twisted cross. Which day of the week is named after this Anglo-Saxon god? Which mythological gods and goddesses are you familiar with from other cultures and sources? 3. Dragon – protector of the treasure. It was both a personification of “death and devourer” and guardian of the grave mound.
Anglo-Saxons Anglo-Saxon poets (bards) held an honored position in society because they preserved heroic deeds in collective memory. A. Poetry was as important as fighting, hunting, farming, or loving. B. Non-Christian Anglo-Saxons, whose religion offered no hope of an afterlife, could only create a defense against death through poetry. C. Communal halls were used for shelter, meetings, and entertainment. D. The language of the Anglo-Saxons became the dominant language in this area.
Vikings Norse of Norway and Danes of Denmark = VIKINGS!!! Norse invade Northumbria, Scotland, Wales, and Ireland The Danes target eastern and southern England Plundered monasteries and destroyed manuscripts Destroyed the communities By the middle of the 9th century, the majority of England came under their control
Unification of England King Alfred of Wessex (ruled 871-899), known as Alfred the Great, was responsible for truly unifying England into a nation. 1. Led the Anglo-Saxons against the invading Danes (fierce Vikings = pirates) 2. Christianity’s re-emergence helped King Alfred succeed by creating a common set of morals. It also linked England to Europe through the language of Latin. 3. Anglo-Saxons fought to protect their people, their culture and their church.
Anglo-Saxons The war between the Anglo-Saxons and the Danes (Vikings) continued until 1066 when both were defeated by William, Duke of Normandy (France).
Anglo-Saxons: Oral and Written Language The cultural and spiritual influence of monasteries existed right alongside the heroic ideals and traditions of the older Anglo-Saxon religion. A. When the monks recorded the works from the older oral tradition, they wrote in the language of the people. - When the monks transcribed the oral pagan stories, what changes do you think they made? B. The principal works of learning were written in Latin. Latin remained the language of “serious” study until the time of King Alfred.
Anglo-Saxons End of the Age A. Edward the Confessor, an Anglo-Saxon king, dies childless. Two men both claim the throne: Harold of England and William of Normandy. B. William of Normandy defeats Harold at the Battle of Hastings in October of 1066 earning him the name of William the Conqueror. C. The Anglo-Saxon age is replaced by a ruling government of Normans.
Anglo-Saxons King Alfred started the “Anglo-Saxon Chronicle” which was a running history of England until 1154. - The “Chronicle” was written in English, not Latin. Because of this, English gained respect as a language of culture.
Anglo-Saxons Review of the Big Ideas Celtic Britons were pagan; the Romans interacted with them and took over their land. Romans became Christianized and this influenced the people of Brittania. Celts end up in the west (Wales). Anglo-Saxon tribes (Germanic) lived in a warlike and brutal environment; the mead hall was a central hang out for the lord and his men. Anglo-Saxons are pagan and people debate their conversion to Christianity (opposite beliefs: heaven, revenge, boastful etc..) Vikings Invade, which results in the Anglo-Saxons viewing themselves as a nation Old English: similar to German, primitive form of modern English
Anglo-Saxons Review of the Big Ideas 7. King Alfred of Wessex Edgar Aethelred, the Unready… 8. Normandy is an area of northern France 9. Battle of Hastings- southern England – October 1066 10. William the Conquerer replaces Anglo-Saxon rulers with French rulers 11. Feudalism (Medieval Period)
We Don’t Speak Old English, BUT We Can Still Observe Differences in Our Language What are some differences that you have observed? Any linguistic differences in your family? What geographic differences you have observed? Linguistic Conflicts in America