Wireless Industrial Networking Alliance The Promise of Wireless Steve Toteda www.wina.org A Member Organization of the Automation Federation November 23, 2018
WINA Mission Our mission is to promote the adoption of wireless technologies and solutions that improve the efficiencies, production and safety of industrial manufacturing processes.
Technological Progress Spectral Efficiency 1M T 10,000 T 100 T 1 T 10 B 100 M 1 M 10,000 100 1 Increase in Efficiency 1900 1950 2000 2050
Dramatically Dropping Costs Wireless System Cost Marconi’s Wireless Telegraph 1 M 100 K 10 K 1 K 100 10 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 Analog Cellular Land Mobile Radio Wireless System Cost Digital Cellular Cellular Data Wireless Sensor Networks 1900 1940 1980 2000 2020 “Transistor Age”
Wireless Changes Everything Reduced Wiring Costs Traditional Wireless “Wireless is the most fundamental improvement in process automation in decades" - Harry Forbes, ARC Wired Costs Installation, Connection and Commissioning Wireless Mesh Networking Sensors $ Computing Time
Economic Return Economic Return = Lifecycle Benefits - Lifecycle Costs + Cost of system + Initial engineering costs + Installation costs + Annual operation costs + Annual maintenance costs = Lifecycle Costs + Higher productivity + Annual manufacturing cost savings + Improved safety & reliability + Improved energy efficiency + Lower labor costs = Lifecycle Benefits Wired Wireless 10% Application Value 70% $ ROI 20%
Promise of Wireless Wireless technology and wireless networking systems hold great promise for the industrial market. Use energy and materials more efficiently Improve safety and compliance Lower systems and infrastructure costs Process Monitoring Energy Management Validation
Industrial Process Monitoring Smart field devices deliver comprehensive insight into plant processes Detect process and equipment issues Achieve more efficient operations Maximize plant reliability Maintain safe work environments
Energy Management Temperature monitoring and control of critical datacenter infrastructure Maintain optimum computing performance Avoid costly downtime Reduce energy expenditures
Pharmaceutical Validation and Monitoring Validation and monitoring of critical pharmaceutical processes Ensure Regulatory Compliance Highly Reliable, Secure Data Transmission Easy to Install and Use
Wire-like Reliability, Wireless Economics Low power, highly reliable mesh technology proven in harsh environments Nodes connected in a seamless, reliable and self-forming mesh network Nodes automatically adjust to dynamic RF environment, such as blocked signals Interference from other RF sources avoided through frequency hopping Ultra low power devices yields years of battery life
The Promise of Wireless “I do not think that the wireless waves that I have discovered will have any practical application.” - Heinrich Hertz 1890