6.8 Running for office (the process involved in state and federal elections)
elections are a state power, even federal elections are run by the 50 (+1) states.
Political parties search for step 1 RECRUITMENT Political parties search for party members who are willing to run for office. Must be someone who will appeal to the voters.
The people interested in running for office seek support and commitment from electorate: …in money …in volunteer time VOTERS
Those seeking an office visit important (key) states; step 2 PRIMARY ELECTIONS Those seeking an office visit important (key) states; The people indicate their preference by voting in a “primary”.
CAUCUSES In some states the important party leaders simply decide for themselves which “seeker” will receive their support.
step 3 CONVENTION Each political party has a huge meeting where party leaders from each state gather to meet and conduct party business. SUMMER
NOMINATION At the convention, the political party chooses the person that it feels will have the best chance at winning the election
only one “candidate” per party for President and one for VP.
PLATFORM At the convention, the political party decides what it will try to accomplish during the next four years. Each item is a “plank”.
POLITICAL CAMPAIGNS step 4 The party uses its money, volunteers, and influence to try to get its “candidate” elected.
DATE: Tuesday after the first Monday in November ELECTION step 5 DATE: Tuesday after the first Monday in November
Voters cast ballots for all electors representing a particular party in each state
ELECTORAL COLLEGE (described in the U.S. Constitution) step 6 ELECTORAL COLLEGE (described in the U.S. Constitution) DATE: Monday after second Wednesday in December
Electors of the party that won the popular vote in each state ELECTORAL COLLEGE Electors of the party that won the popular vote in each state cast ballots for President and Vice President
On January 6 the ballots cast by electors are counted by Congress ELECTORAL COLLEGE On January 6 the ballots cast by electors are counted by Congress
INAUGURATION step 7 At noon on January 20 the candidate who received the majority of the electoral vote is sworn in as President
Kennedy, January 20, 1961
Electoral College The number of electors for each state is based on that state’s representation in Congress.
Electoral College Each state receives an elector for each of their 2 Senators. (2) Each state receives one elector for each member they have in the House of Representatives. (each state must have at least 1 representative in the House) No state has less than 3 Electoral Votes.
Electoral College The Electoral College is only used in National Elections. The Winner of the POPULAR VOTE may lose the election.
Electoral College A candidate must receive a majority of the Electoral Votes to win the election. If there is a tie in the Electoral College the House of Representatives chooses the PRESIDENT.