English 201 PUCPR Prof. Miguel A. Arce Ramos


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English 201 PUCPR Prof. Miguel A. Arce Ramos Descriptive Essays English 201 PUCPR Prof. Miguel A. Arce Ramos

Types of Essays Expository Narrative Descriptive Persuasive

Descriptive Essay The descriptive essay is a genre of essay that asks the student to describe an object, person, place, experience, emotion, situation, etc. This genre encourages the student’s ability to create a written account of a particular experience. A descriptive essay is like a painting!

Purpose of a Descriptive Essay To inform a reader about something (place, event, object, subject…) To share an experience. To give a report. To entertain a reader.

Characteristics of a Descriptive Essay Strong sensory details (sight, touch, taste, hearing, feelings, thoughts…) Main idea/topic followed by supporting details and descriptions. Clear organization. Effective transitions.


Using your senses describe the previous four pictures Looks Feels Smell Taste

Brainstorm We are going to write a descriptive essay on the addictive qualities of a pizza. you might start by writing down a few words: sauce, cheese, crust, pepperoni, sausage, spices, hot, melted, etc. Once you have written down some words, you can begin by compiling descriptive lists for each one.

Important to remember when writing a Descriptive Essay Use clear and concise language. Choose vivid language. Use your senses! Sight, Taste, Feel Smell and Sounds Tell me what you are thinking! How did you feel? With what can you compare this experience to?

Possible Topics for a Descriptive Essay Describe an event that happened to you. Take the reader to a place. Teach the reader about something you know. Report on a subject/object of your choice

Objectives of a Descriptive Essay Present your ideas in order as they happened or in a pattern that makes sense to the reader. Set a mood (suspense, calm, exciting…) Make the reader get a mental picture of what you are talking about.

Outline for a Descriptive Essay Find a topic that you want. Read about it so that you are an expert in the area. Think of ways to write that will keep your audiences attention (cool facts, humor, astonishing details…)