Service Learning at Page Elementary: Physical Education Class by Diana VanRhee
Thornapple Kellogg Page Elementary School’s physical education class. 4th and 5th grade boys and girls instructed by Mrs. Tia Cross. Nutritional guidance, physical health and mentoring children “in physical education and teaching them tools through different activities to help lead a healthy lifestyle” (Cross, T. 2015). The purpose of this service learning assignment was to work with children in the community during their physical education class in order to promote a healthy lifestyle in an effort to decrease childhood obesity.
My role was to assist and observe Mrs My role was to assist and observe Mrs. Cross in her physical education class with a variety of activites. Swimming and water safety, wall climbing, Fitness testing, bowling, pickle ball, Pacer tests,Tinikling and other fun games. Participation in the events, role modeling and mentoring children.
Critical Reflection Initially I did not think I would learn very much from my Service Learning project, however I learned a great deal from Mrs. Cross and the students themselves. Working alongside the children and watching them learn and be inspired about a healthy lifestyles was exciting to see and emotionally rewarding. Service learning is beneficial not only to the organization being volunteered at, but by the individual doing the volunteer work. Service learning “enhances learning in all areas of a nursing program, and the service learning reinforces the moral and civic duties inherent in serving others” (Ferris State University, 2015).
Synthesis My service learning experience was very positive “Childhood obesity is a significant risk factor for future health problems, this obesity is considered a major public health problem” (Berkowitz & Borchard, 2009). “Schools play a critical role in promoting and establishing lifelong healthy behavior patterns” (Centers for Disease Control, 2015). Health Care Environment Objective: “Propose improvements to nursing practice related to a specific health care trend or professional issue using a critical thinking and clinical reasoning framework.” (Ferris State University, 2015) Professionalism Objective: “Evaluate personal commitment to the values inherent to the nursing profession.” (Ferris State University, 2015).
Recommendations If you have a passion for decreasing childhood obesity and love children, I recommend Service Learning in a physical education at any elementary school. FSU continue with the Service Learning experience so that “students will demonstrate personal and professional accountability in nursing practice by identifying and planning activites that contribute to growth and self-development in relation to professional goals and advancement of the profession of nursing” (Ferris State University, 2015). The Service Learning experience should relate to health care and serve the community in order to enhance the professional development of the volunteer (Ferris State University, 2015).
Conclusion Service learning is both beneficial to the volunteer and the agency. Page Elementary Physical Education class was a great place to do my service learning project. Childhood obesity could decrease with physical education instruction and learning healthy lifelong habits. Service learning promotes professional development in accordance with the Ferris State University RN to BSN objectives. Continuation with the Service Learning Curriculum is essential to professional growth and being BSN prepared.
References Berkowitz,B. & Borchard, M. ( 2009). Advocating for the prevention of childhood obesity: A call to action for nursing. Retrieved from: /OJIN/TableofContents/Vol142009/No1Jan09/Prevention-of-Childhood- Obesity.html Centers for Disease Control. (2015). Healthy Schools. Whole school, whole community, whole child (wscc). Retrieved from: Cross, T. (2015). Page Elementary. Retrieved from: Ferris State University. (2015). RN to BSN Service Learning Procedure: Service Learning Requirements for RN to BSN-review1.21.15.doc Ferris State University. (2015). Syllabus & Course Schedule-Nurs 450 Fall 2015. Retrieved from: 6663975_1/courses/81820.201508/NURS_450_Fall15_Syllabus_Doerr%284%29.pdf