Moving on Up (Y4 and Y5) Transition meeting ~ Class 4 12th September 2017 Mrs. Rawes & Mrs. Tomsett Welcome – housekeeping; fire drills, toilets, etc.
Key transition points Ensure child’s security Happiness Motivation Learning Independence
Differences you can expect Expectation of independence in children’s approaches to work; care for surroundings and organisation of self and belongings. Come into school by themselves and put their own things on pegs/in drawers – make sure all equipment ready and settle quickly to morning task. Children are expected to take responsibility for own things – inc. Reading books, p.e. kits and homework, making sure they have all the needed equipment for the day from the very beginning. Mornings are a very busy time, so if you need to talk to the teacher, where possible, please come and see us at the end of the day.
Morning work Focussed activity every morning as they come into class – Reviewing previous learning, SMIRFs, reading, Thinking skills / Growth Mindset activities. Morning task – thinking skills, KIRFs or reading. Homework books will be given out later on this term as we move towards more formalised homework. It may also take the form of online learning through IXL and other online learning sites. Also reading everyday, spellings, SMIRFs (tables, etc), occasional topic work.
Homework Homework will be set weekly in line with our homework policy. All children will receive spellings and mental maths (SMIRFs / multiplication tables homework). Children should read at home at least 5x a week. This should be recorded in their home-school record. Year 5 children will receive a learning log to do. This may be over 1 week, a couple of weeks or longer. SPaG and maths homework will usually take the form of online learning through IXL. Children should continue to read aloud to an adult. Still invaluable for parents to read aloud stories to children – even in Y5. Parents should sign home-school records to say reading has taken place. We will use the home-school record for tables / spelling tests each Friday and also to record guided / individual reading so they must be in school every day!
Reading We will have guided reading groups – set same book and read/ explore text together. Children should also have an independent reading book – either from home or school library that they can read Whole class text – e.g. 1st Term How to Train your Dragon May also work from a whole class text. Phonics still taught throughout KS2 and a RWI spelling program in place.
Maths Single year group maths lessons – smaller classes. Focus on age related expectations. Continuing with approach introduced last year towards mastery of concepts which means working with Concrete, Pictorial and Abstract (Maths parents eve. to follow). Each lesson will begin with an ‘anchor task’ or ‘maths story’. KS1-Y4 using ‘Maths no Problem’ based on Singapore approach. This should filter through to KS2 and in meantime we will adapt White Rose and BAM materials so that we are using the same approaches.
Home time Independence – Y4 and 5 children can leave to meet parent / carer outside of the classroom. The teacher in charge will be available at the end of the day to speak with parents or if a longer meeting is required, a meeting can be made. However, if the parent / carer is not there, the child must come back in and tell the teacher and they will be able to wait in the classroom with the teacher, or if a longer delay, in the reception area. If your child is allowed to walk home on their own, please do let us know (Y5 only).
Question time