Design of a Diversified Router: Line Card


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Presentation transcript:

Design of a Diversified Router: Line Card John DeHart

Revision History 5/22/06 (JDD): 5/31/06 (JDD): 6/2/06 (JDD): Updates to data passing from Block to Block. Buffer descriptor stuff probably needs updating. 5/31/06 (JDD): Clean up packet formats going from MR  LC_Egress Add MN Shim to 6/2/06 (JDD): Removed old slides that showed Table lookup stuff Updated internal frame formats Still need to revisit buffer descriptor stuff and block to block data formats. 6/11/06 (JDD): Begin updating data going between blocks Still more to do… 6/15/06 (JDD): Removed the CRC from the Rx  Key Extract data. MSF does not pass us a CRC like we thought so we will skip the CRC checking 6/19/06 (JDD): Updating data formats that go between blocks. 6/29/06 (JDD): Updating data format for QM to TX Adding MN Offset to LC Ingress data passing from Key Extract  Lookup  Hdr Format Added Port back in to Lookup to Hdr Format data Also some reformatting of data to QM.

Design Implementation We will now look at how our model might be implemented. Again, the primary focus will be on wired Ethernet as the access technology. We will look at RX and TX separately. First we will focus on the Substrate Router functionality in the LC. As we do we will also show the packet formats as they traverse other parts of the Substrate Router. Some of this will apply only to the Shared NP case. For the sake of simpler diagrams we will reduce the IXP PE functional blocks as shown below: Then we will look at the implementation of a common router framework in the IXP PE. Parse Lookup Header Format DeMux Rx Tx QM Substrate RX Substrate TX MR

Design Implementation Packet arriving On Port N LC … LC Packet leaving On Port M Rxsubstrate MR Txsubstrate Switch Switch … IXP PE (Shared) RX TX

Substrate Link Configuration RX Rules for determining type of Frame/Substrate Link: P2P-DC is pre-configured on an interface by interface basis. ((EtherType = Substrate) AND (VLAN=VLAN0))  P2P-VLAN0 SL VLAN0 is a predefined VLAN Id for use by the Substrate Network to connect peer substrate routers on a Multi-Access network SL id = Senders Ethernet Address Lookup MLI in SL Specific Table  MR:MI ((EtherType = Substrate) & (VLAN ≠ VLAN0)) OR ((EtherType = ARP) and (ProtoType = Substrate))  Multi-Access MLI is unique across a Multi-Access Substrate Link MLI Lookup in Multi-Access-SL Table  MR:MI ((EtherType = ARP) and (ProtoType ≠ Substrate)) OR ((EtherType ≠ Substrate) AND (EtherType ≠ ARP))  Tunnel or Legacy Substrate Link in a Tunnel (e.g. IPv4) ((EtherType = IP) AND (IP_Proto = Substrate))  Substrate Tunnel in IPv4 Legacy (e.g. IPv4, ARP): ((EtherType = IP) AND (IP_Proto = TCP))  Legacy IPv4 ((EtherType = ARP) AND (ProtoType ≠ Substrate))  Legacy ARP Etc.

Substrate Link Configuration TX: Substrate Link uniquely identified by MR:MI tuple MR:MI  SL MetaLink uniquely identified by MR:MI tuple MR:MI  MLI Hence: MR:MI  SL:MLI Different Header formats may be defined per SL i.e. IPv4 Tunnel header vs. P2P-VLAN0 header Located with lookup based on MLI P2P-VLAN0 One or more MLI per MetaNet on the Multi-Access network Multi-Access One MLI per MetaNet on the Multi-Access network Meta-Destination Address, to get Ethernet Address use ARP Legacy: Substrate Link in a Tunnel IPv4 Gateway Legacy to/from MetaNet

Ingress LC Input Frame: All SL Types VLAN-tagged formats Blue Shading: Determine SL Type Black Outline: Key Fields from pkt DstAddr (6B) Type=IP (2B) PAD (nB) CRC (4B) IP Payload Dst Addr (4B) Src Addr (4B) Ver/HLen/Tos/Len (4B) ID/Flags/FragOff (4B) TTL (1B) Protocol (1B) Hdr Cksum (2B) Type=802.1Q (2B) TCI ≠ VLAN0 (2B) DstAddr (6B) SrcAddr (6B) Legacy SrcAddr (6B) Type=802.1Q (2B) TCI ≠ VLAN0 (2B) Type=802.1Q (2B) MLI (2B) LEN (2B) Meta Frame TCI (2B) Type=Substrate (2B) PAD (nB) CRC (4B) DstAddr (6B) SrcAddr (6B) Type=IP (2B) Type=802.1Q (2B) MLI (2B) LEN (2B) Meta Frame TCI=VLAN0 (2B) Type=Substrate (2B) PAD (nB) CRC (4B) DstAddr (6B) SrcAddr (6B) P2P-VLAN0 Multi-Access Type=802.1Q (2B) MLI (2B) LEN (2B) Meta Frame TCI≠VLAN0 (2B) Type=Substrate (2B) PAD (nB) CRC (4B) DstAddr (6B) SrcAddr (6B) Ver/HLen/Tos/Len (4B) ID/Flags/FragOff (4B) TTL (1B) Protocol=Substrate (1B) Hdr Cksum (2B) Src Addr (4B) Dst Addr (4B) MLI (2B) LEN (2B) Meta Frame PAD (nB) CRC (4B) P2P-DC (Configured) P2P-Tunnel

Ingress LC Input Frame: All SL Types Non VLAN-tagged formats Blue Shading: Determine SL Type Black Outline: Key Fields from pkt DstAddr (6B) DstAddr (6B) SrcAddr (6B) SrcAddr (6B) Type=IP (2B) Type=IP (2B) Ver/HLen/Tos/Len (4B) Ver/HLen/Tos/Len (4B) DstAddr (6B) DstAddr (6B) ID/Flags/FragOff (4B) ID/Flags/FragOff (4B) TTL (1B) SrcAddr (6B) TTL (1B) Protocol=Substrate (1B) SrcAddr (6B) Protocol (1B) Hdr Cksum (2B) Type=Substrate (2B) Hdr Cksum (2B) Src Addr (4B) Type=Substrate (2B) MLI (2B) Src Addr (4B) MLI (2B) LEN (2B) Dst Addr (4B) Dst Addr (4B) LEN (2B) Meta Frame MLI (2B) IP Payload Meta Frame LEN (2B) Meta Frame PAD (nB) PAD (nB) PAD (nB) PAD (nB) CRC (4B) CRC (4B) CRC (4B) CRC (4B) P2P-DC (Configured) P2P-Tunnel Legacy Multi-Access

Ingress LC Input Frame: All SL Types Optional Extension: GRE formats Blue Shading: Determine SL Type Black Outline: Key Fields from pkt DstAddr (6B) SrcAddr (6B) DstAddr (6B) Type=802.1Q (2B) SrcAddr (6B) TCI ≠ VLAN0 (2B) Type=IP (2B) Type=IP (2B) Ver/HLen/Tos/Len (4B) Ver/HLen/Tos/Len (4B) ID/Flags/FragOff (4B) ID/Flags/FragOff (4B) TTL (1B) TTL (1B) Protocol=GRE (1B) Protocol=GRE (1B) Hdr Cksum (2B) Hdr Cksum (2B) ` Src Addr (4B) Src Addr (4B) Dst Addr (4B) Dst Addr (4B) Flags/recur/Ver (2B) Flags/recur/Ver (2B) ` Type=Substrate (2B) ` Type=Substrate (2B) Optional Fields (nB) Optional Fields (nB) MLI (2B) ` MLI (2B) LEN (2B) LEN (2B) Meta Frame MLI (2B) Meta Frame PAD (nB) PAD (nB) CRC (4B) CRC (4B) VLAN GRE GRE

Egress LC Input Frame MR Switch … VLAN: Identifies MR TxMI: With VLAN will identify SL and MLI Src MPE: LEN: Length in bytes of Meta Frame Shim Flags: define what type of Shim Data is being given: or perhaps what type is needed (maybe Substrate provides it for broadcast…) Type (2b) NhMnAddr: (01b) We may need to use ARP to translate to MAC/Ethernet Address MAC Address(10b) Could be used for Broadcast/Multicast MN Shim(11b) : NhAddr field is used as MN Shim for PE to PE info Things like: why this frame is being sent on slow path This type should NEVER show up at a LC but should only be for PE to PE. One of the PEs could be the control processor. NULL (00b): No Next Hop Address given or needed. Size (6b): Length of Shim Data field in Bytes Shim Data: See flags above Meta Frame: Pad: Minimum Ethernet Frame size is 64 bytes CRC: Ethernet Frame CRC LC MR Substrate Switch … TxMI (2B) TxMI (2B) LEN (2B) PAD (nB) CRC (4B) Meta Frame Shim Data (nB) Shim Flags (2B) Type=802.1Q (2B) MR-Specific VLAN (2B) Type=Substrate (2B) LC Blade DstAddr (6B) MR Blade SrcAddr (6B) Src MPE (2B) Src MPE (2B) LEN (2B) Shim Flags(2B) Shim Data (nB) Meta Frame

Substrate/MetaNet Model To the Substrate, some Meta Links “Pass Through” Pass through a Substrate Router without visiting a Meta Router MetaLink 1 Substrate Link MetaLink 2 MetaLink 3 MR_A MR_A MR_A MI MI MI MI MI MI MR_B MR_B Pass Through Meta Link MI MI MI MI MR_C MR_C MR_C MI MI MI MI MI MI Substrate Router X Substrate Router Y Substrate Router Z

Pass-Through MetaLink For Pass-Through ML, there is no support or need for NhAddr for the case where the SL leaving LC Y might be multi-access Shim Flags = 0, Shim Data Length = 0 Allocate special set of MR/MI for use by Substrate when handling Pass-Through MetaLinks TxMI == RxMI Packet arriving On Port N Type=802.1Q (2B) MLI (2B) LEN (2B) Meta Frame TCI=VLAN (2B) Type=Substrate (2B) PAD (nB) CRC (4B) DstAddr (6B) SrcAddr (6B) TxMI (2B) LEN (2B) PAD (nB) CRC (4B) Meta Frame Shim Data (nB) Shim Flags (2B) Type=802.1Q (2B) MR-Specific VLAN (2B) Type=Substrate (2B) LC Blade DstAddr (6B) MR Blade SrcAddr (6B) RxMI (2B) TxMI (2B) LEN (2B) PAD (nB) CRC (4B) Meta Frame Shim Data (nB) Shim Flags (2B) Type=802.1Q (2B) MR-Specific VLAN (2B) Type=Substrate (2B) LC Blade DstAddr (6B) MR Blade SrcAddr (6B) RxMI (2B) Packet arriving At LC Y Packet arriving On Port N Of LC X Ethernet Switch LC X LC Y …

LC: Functional Blocks S W I T C H Phy Int Rx (2 ME) Key Extract (2 ME) Lookup (2 ME) Hdr Format (1 ME) QM/Schd (2 ME) Switch Tx (2 ME) S W I T C H Phy Int Tx (2 ME) QM/Schd (2 ME) Hdr Format (1 ME) Lookup (2 ME) Rate Monitor (1 ME) Key Extract (1 ME) Switch Rx (2 ME) ME counts are my first guesses for number needed. For each block I’ll show: Function: What this block does. Memory Accesses: SRAM: DRAM: Buffer Descriptor Accesses: Which fields in Buffer Descriptor the block needs to read and/or write. Notes: Additional thoughts about this block. Next: Analyze the SRAM Accesses and try to map them on to the available SRAM Channels. Analyze the SRAM and DRAM accesses and calculate packet processing rates.

LC: Functional Blocks Ingress (Physical Interface  Switch): PhyInt Rx KeyExtractor Lookup Hdr Format QM/Scheduler Switch Tx Egress (Switch  Physical Interface): Switch Rx This is only extracting the VLAN and the MI. Combine with previous or following block? But it involves a DRAM Read so we probably want to leave it separate and use all 8 threads. RateMonitor Before or after the Lookup? Is this different than what QM/Scheduler will/could do? PhyInt Tx

LC: Buffer Descriptor Hopefully we can use the same buffer descriptor for the LC and the CRF Processing Engine. There might be some fields that are used on one and not on the other but that’s ok (MR_ID, TxMI, VLAN not needed on LC) PE Buffer Descriptor: LW0: buffer_next 32 bits Next Buffer Pointer (in a chain of buffers) LW1: offset 16 bits Offset to start of data in bytes LW1: BufferSize 16 bits Length of data in the current buffer in bytes LW2: reserved 8 bits reserved/unused LW2: reserved 4 bits reserved/unused LW2: free_list 4 bits Freelist ID LW2: packet_size 16 bits (Total packet size across multiple buffers) LW3: MR_ID 16 bits Meta Router ID LW3: TxMI 16 bits Transmit Meta Interface LW4: VLAN 16 bits VLAN LW4: reserved 16 bits reserved/unused LW5: reserved 32 bits reserved/unused LW6: reserved 32 bits reserved/unused LW7: packet_next 32 bits pointer to next packet (unused in cell mode) Leave multi-buffer fields there as a template for the dedicated blade implementation of a jumbo-frame MR. Also reduces changes to Rx, Tx, and QM and reduces potential problems. So, far I haven’t found anything extra that we need on LC. VLAN Packet_Next MR_ID TxMI Free_List Packet_Size Buffer_Next Offset Buffer Descriptor Buffer_Size

LC Ingress: Functional Blocks Phy Int Rx Key Extract Lookup Hdr Format QM/Schd Switch Tx S W I T C H RBUF Buf Handle(32b) Port (8b) Reserved Eth. Frame Len (16b) VLAN Packet_Next MR_ID TxMI Free_List Packet_Size Buffer_Next Offset Buffer Descriptor Buffer_Size Rx: Function: Coordinate transfer of packets from RBUF to DRAM Memory Accesses: SRAM: Write Buffer Descriptor Free List? DRAM: Transfer from RBUF Buffer Descriptor Accesses: Write/Initialize: Buffer_Next, Buffer_Size, Offset, Free_List, Packet_Size Monitoring: Per Physical Interface Pkt Counter Byte Counter Notes: Buffer Handle: contains the SRAM address of the buffer descriptor. from the SRAM address of the descriptor we can calculate the DRAM address of the buffer data. Offset of where packet starts should be a constant.

LC Ingress: Functional Blocks Phy Int Rx Key Extract Lookup Hdr Format QM/Schd Switch Tx S W I T C H Buf Handle(32b) Buf Handle(32b) Rsv (4b) Eth Frame Length (12b) MN Offset (8b) Lookup Key [71-64] (8b) Rsv (4b) Eth. Frame Len (12b) Reserved (8b) Port (8b) Lookup Key[63-32] (32b) VLAN Packet_Next MR_ID TxMI Free_List Packet_Size Buffer_Next Offset Buffer Descriptor Buffer_Size Lookup Key[ 31-0] (32b) Key_Extract (2 Microengines): Function: Extracts lookup key based on type of frame that was received. Peel ARP packets off and send to XScale Compare CRC from Rx to CRC at end of Frame. Drop if fail. Memory Accesses: DRAM: Read as much of header as is necessary to extract key May vary depending on type of Substrate Link SRAM: None Buffer Descriptor Accesses: None Monitoring: ARP Pkt Counter Notes: Calculates DRAM Address based on SRAM descriptor address in buffer handle and the Offset passed to it by RX. Frame offset in buffer is a constant and does not need to be read from Buffer Descriptor

LC Ingress: Functional Blocks Substrate Link Type: Will be used as Database ID by Lookup Block Lookup Keys: SL Type (SL Type ID) (size) P2P-DC(0x0) (24 bits) SL(4b) 0000 Port (4b) MLI(16b) P2P-Tunnel - IPv4(0x1) (72 bits) SL(4b) 0001 Port (4b) EtherType (16b) 0x0800 IP SAddr (32b) MLI (16b) P2P-VLAN0(0x2) (72 bits) SL(4b) 0011 Port (4b) Ethernet SAddr (48b) MLI (16b) MA(0x3) (24 bits) SL(4b) 0100 Port (4b) MLI(16b) Legacy IPv4(0x4) (24 bits) SL(4b) 0010 Port (4b) EtherType (16b) 0x0800 Substrate Link Type Physical Interface #

LC Ingress: Functional Blocks Phy Int Rx Key Extract Lookup Hdr Format QM/Schd Switch Tx S W I T C H Buf Handle(32b) Buf Handle(32b) Eth Frame Length (12b) VLAN (MR Id) (12b) QID (20b) RxMI (16b) Stats Index (16b) DAddr (8b) MN Offset Port (4b) Rsv (4b) Eth Frame Length (12b) MN Offset (8b) Lookup Key [71-64] (8b) Lookup Key[63-32] (32b) Lookup Key[ 31-0] (32b) Lookup: Function: Performs Lookup and passes result on to Hdr Format. Memory Accesses: DRAM: None SRAM: TCAM Lookup Write Lookup command Read Lookup Result (1-5 words from TCAM SRAM Controller or other SRAM Controller) Buffer Descriptor Accesses: None Monitoring: Notes: Lookup does no processing on the lookup result. Need to decide how lookup result will be stored and retrieved. See notes on TCAM for information about the issues involved.

LC Ingress: Functional Blocks Phy Int Rx Key Extract Lookup Hdr Format QM/Schd Switch Tx S W I T C H Buf Handle(32b) Buffer Handle(32b) Reserved (12b) QID(20b) Port (4b) Eth Frame Length (12b) Rsv Port (4b) Eth Frame Length (12b) MN Offset (8b) DAddr (8b) RxMI (16b) Stats Index (16b) VLAN (MR Id) (12b) QID (20b) Hdr Format: Function: From lookup result: re-writes headers in DRAM to make frame ready to transmit. Extract QID to pass on to QM/Scheduler Memory Accesses: DRAM: SRAM: Read Descriptor and Re-Write Descriptor OR Atomic Increment/Decrement some fields in Descriptor Buffer Descriptor Accesses: Update Size and Offset fields Monitoring: Notes: Pass Size on to QM/Scheduler so it does not have to read buffer descriptor for Enqueue to update Q Length. Buffer Offset should be a constant and should not need to be read from Buffer Descriptor VLAN Packet_Next MR_ID TxMI Free_List Packet_Size Buffer_Next Offset Buffer Descriptor Buffer_Size

LC Ingress: Functional Blocks Phy Int Rx Key Extract Lookup Hdr Format QM/Schd Switch Tx S W I T C H Buffer Handle(32b) Reserved (12b) QID(20b) Port (4b) Eth Frame Length (12b) Rsv Buffer Handle(24b) Rsv (3b) Port (4b) V 1 V: Valid Bit QM/Scheduler (See Sailesh’s slides for more details) Function: Enqueue and Dequeue from queues Scheduling algorithm Drop Policy Memory Accesses: DRAM: None SRAM: Q-Array Reads and Writes Scheduling Data Structure Reads and Writes QLength Data Structure Reads and Writes Dequeue: Read Buffer Descriptor to retrieve Packet Size Buffer Descriptor Accesses: Read packet size Monitoring: Queue Lengths Drops Notes:

LC Ingress: Functional Blocks Phy Int Rx Key Extract Lookup Hdr Format QM/Schd Switch Tx S W I T C H Buffer Handle(24b) Rsv (3b) Port (4b) V 1 TBUF V: Valid Bit Switch TX: Function: Coordinate transfer of packets from DRAM to TBUF Memory Accesses: SRAM: Read Buffer Descriptor DRAM: Transfer to TBUF Buffer Descriptor Accesses: Read Size and Offset Monitoring: Per Physical Interface Pkt Counter Byte Counter Notes: Calculate DRAM address based on SRAM Descriptor address in buffer handle

LC Egress: Functional Blocks Phy Int Tx QM/Schd Hdr Format Lookup Rate Monitor Key Extract Switch Rx S W I T C H Buf Handle(32b) Port (8b) Reserved Eth. Frame Len (16b) RBUF Rx: Function: Coordinate transfer of packets from RBUF to DRAM Memory Accesses: SRAM: Write Buffer Descriptor DRAM: Transfer from RBUF Buffer Descriptor Accesses: Write/Initialize: Buffer_Next, Buffer_Size, Offset, Free_List, Packet_Size Notes: Buffer Handle: contains the SRAM address of the buffer descriptor. from the SRAM address of the descriptor we can calculate the DRAM address of the buffer data. Passing the offset of where the packet starts in memory will save the next block from having to read the buffer descriptor. Perhaps we should just pass the actual DRAM Buffer Pointer? VLAN Packet_Next MR_ID TxMI Free_List Packet_Size Buffer_Next Offset Buffer Descriptor Buffer_Size

LC Egress: Functional Blocks Phy Int Tx QM/Schd Hdr Format Lookup Rate Monitor Key Extract Switch Rx S W I T C H VLAN: Lookup Key [31-16] (32b) Buf Handle(32b) Eth Frame Length (16b) Reserved (16b) TxMI: Lookup Key [15-0] (32b) Buf Handle(32b) Port (8b) Reserved Eth. Frame Len (16b) Key_Extract: Function: Extracts lookup key based on type of frame that was received. Memory Accesses: DRAM: Read VLAN and TxMI from Frame SRAM: None Buffer Descriptor Accesses: None Notes: Calculates DRAM Address based on SRAM descriptor address in buffer handle and the Offset passed to it by RX.

LC Egress: Functional Blocks Phy Int Tx QM/Schd Hdr Format Lookup Rate Monitor Key Extract Switch Rx S W I T C H VLAN: Lookup Key [31-16] (32b) Buf Handle(32b) Eth Frame Length (16b) Reserved (16b) TxMI: Lookup Key [15-0] (32b) VLAN: Lookup Key [31-16] (32b) Buf Handle(32b) Eth Frame Length (16b) Reserved (16b) TxMI: Lookup Key [15-0] (32b) Rate Monitor: Function: Ensures that MR/MI’s behave according to their Rate Specs. Does this need to be a separate function from the QM/Scheduler? Memory Accesses: Unknown at this point DRAM: SRAM: Buffer Descriptor Accesses: Unknown at this point Notes:

LC Egress: Functional Blocks Phy Int Tx QM/Schd Hdr Format Lookup Rate Monitor Key Extract Switch Rx S W I T C H Lookup Result [159-128] (32b) Buf Handle(32b) Eth Frame Length (16b) Reserved (16b) Lookup Result [127-96] (32b) Lookup Result [95-64] (32b) Lookup Result [63-32] (32b) Lookup Result [31-0] (32b) VLAN: Lookup Key [31-16] (32b) Buf Handle(32b) Eth Frame Length (16b) Reserved (16b) TxMI: Lookup Key [15-0] (32b) Lookup: Function: Performs Lookup and passes result on to Hdr Format. Memory Accesses: DRAM: None SRAM: TCAM Lookup Write Lookup command Read Lookup Result (1-5 words from TCAM SRAM Controller or other SRAM Controller) Buffer Descriptor Accesses: None Notes: Lookup does no processing on the lookup result. Need to decide how lookup result will be stored and retrieved. See notes on TCAM for information about the issues involved.

LC Egress: Lookup Result Data Formats MLI(16b) Rsv (16b) QID(20b) Eth DA[47:16] (32b) Rsv (4b) Port SL Eth DA[15:0] (16b) IP DA (32b) MLI(16b) QID(20b) Eth DA[47:16] (32b) Rsv (4b) Port SL Eth DA[15:0] (16b) P2P-DC MLI(16b) Rsv (16b) QID(20b) Rsv (4b) Port SL P2P-Tunnel_IPv4 (w/o VLAN) MA (w/o VLAN) MLI(16b) Rsv (16b) QID(20b) Eth DA[47:16] (32b) Rsv (4b) Port SL Eth DA[15:0] (16b) VLAN (16b) IP DA (32b) MLI(16b) VLAN(16b) QID(20b) Rsv (4b) Port SL MA (with VLAN) MLI(16b) Rsv (16b) QID(20b) Eth DA[47:16] (32b) Rsv (4b) Port SL Eth DA[15:0] (16b) VLAN (16b) P2P-Tunnel_IPv4 (with VLAN) MLI(16b) ETYpe(16b) MLI(16b) EType (16b) QID(20b) Rsv (4b) Port SL Rsv (4b) Port (4b) SL (4b) QID(20b) VLAN (16b) Rsv (16b) P2P-VLAN0 Legacy IPv4 (w/o VLAN) Legacy IPv4 (with VLAN)

LC Egress: Functional Blocks Phy Int Tx QM/Schd Hdr Format Lookup Rate Monitor Key Extract Switch Rx S W I T C H Frame Length (16b) Buffer Handle(32b) Reserved (16b) QID(20b) Rsv (4b) Port(8b) Lookup Result [159-128] (32b) Buf Handle(32b) Eth Frame Length (16b) Reserved (16b) Lookup Result [127-96] (32b) Lookup Result [95-64] (32b) Lookup Result [63-32] (32b) Lookup Result [31-0] (32b) VLAN Packet_Next MR_ID TxMI Free_List Packet_Size Buffer_Next Offset Buffer Descriptor Buffer_Size Hdr Format: Function: From lookup result: re-writes headers in DRAM to make frame ready to transmit. Extract QID to pass on to QM/Scheduler Memory Accesses: DRAM: SRAM: Read Descriptor and Re-Write Descriptor OR Atomic Increment/Decrement some fields in Descriptor Buffer Descriptor Accesses: Update Size and Offset fields Notes: Pass Size on to QM/Scheduler so it does not have to read buffer descriptor for Enqueue to update Q Length. Use a special VLAN value for determining if we need to do 802.1Q or not?

LC Egress: Functional Blocks Phy Int Tx QM/Schd Hdr Format Lookup Rate Monitor Key Extract Switch Rx S W I T C H Frame Length (16b) Buffer Handle(32b) Reserved (16b) QID(20b) Rsv (4b) Port(8b) Buffer Handle(24b) Rsv (3b) Port (4b) V 1 V: Valid Bit VLAN Packet_Next MR_ID TxMI Free_List Packet_Size Buffer_Next Offset Buffer Descriptor Buffer_Size QM/Scheduler (See Sailesh’s slides for more details) Function: Enqueue and Dequeue from queues Scheduling algorithm Drop Policy Memory Accesses: DRAM: None SRAM: Q-Array Reads and Writes Scheduling Data Structure Reads and Writes QLength Data Structure Reads and Writes Dequeue: Read Buffer Descriptor to retrieve Packet Size Buffer Descriptor Accesses: Read packet size Notes:

LC Egress: Functional Blocks Phy Int Tx QM/Schd Hdr Format Lookup Rate Monitor Key Extract Switch Rx S W I T C H TBUF Buffer Handle(24b) Rsv (3b) Port (4b) V 1 V: Valid Bit VLAN Packet_Next MR_ID TxMI Free_List Packet_Size Buffer_Next Offset Buffer Descriptor Buffer_Size Switch TX: Function: Coordinate transfer of packets from DRAM to TBUF Memory Accesses: SRAM: Read Buffer Descriptor DRAM: Transfer to TBUF Buffer Descriptor Accesses: Read Size and Offset Notes: Calculate DRAM address based on SRAM Descriptor address in buffer handle

ML Loopback: Functional Blocks Phy Int Rx Key Extract Lookup Hdr Format QM/Schd Switch Tx S W I T C H Loopback Hdr Re-Format Phy Int Tx QM/Schd Hdr Format Lookup Rate Monitor Key Extract Switch Rx Loopback path should be able to re-use some of the blocks implemented for the LC Loopback Hdr Re-Format: Needs to be able to strip off the previous MR’s Header. For Plain-IP  IPv4 MR  MR Y When frame arrives at Loopback (between IPv4 MR and MR Y) it will still have IP Header which should be stripped off before frame is sent to MR Y. Lookup Result should probably include a length field or a Buffer offset field that indicates where new Meta Frame should start.

LC: Notes on TCAM Lookups See techX_Design_TCAM_Usage.ppt slides for notes on how the TCAM will be used by the Lookup Block

Extra The next set of slides are for templates or extra information if needed

Text Slide Template

Image Slide Template