Journey: Introduction to Embedded Systems Amarjeet Singh April 17, 2012
Repeat: A Small Exercise Course Objective Repeat: A Small Exercise On a small sheet of paper explain the following: What are the different interfaces through which a CPU talk to external peripherals? Name some microcontroller platforms that you may have heard of How much power is consumed by a typical motherboard? Where do you see embedded systems around you? What are the different kind of memory devices you are aware of? Cyber-physical systems: Interfacing cyber world and physical world If you were to be given an option to collect data/information about 2 of your daily activities, what would that be?
Course Objective Motivational View Often people with Electronics background think that programming is tough People with programming background shy away from hardware Good understanding of both hardware and software often is very beneficial Basic knowledge of hardware instills confidence Exposure to embedded systems get you to experience tangible things happening for real - robots moving, LEDs blinking! Learning such activities are fun and will create the right mindset for other IT courses Embedded is now everywhere - Metro card, Driving License, Microwave, Automated Car Controls…. Basic knowledge of its operation will help in better understanding of how these systems operate
Proposed Learning Outcomes Based on how much effort you put in (irrespective of what grade you get), I expect you to achieve the following through this course: Programming microcontroller (using embedded C) and use several of its internal modules including Pulse Width Modulator (PWM), Timer, Counter, Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC), Serial Port (UART), Memory (EEPROM, SRAM) Learn to interface off-the-shelf external components with the microcontroller over multiple interfaces such as SPI, UART, GPIO, ADC Develop your own simple hardware attachments for the microcontroller; Learning to debugging the hardware in the process
Proposed Learning Outcomes Based on how much effort you put in (irrespective of what grade you get), I expect you to achieve the following through this course: Appreciate broader system level constraints like power consumption, synchronization, scheduling that may arise when building a network of embedded systems Exposure to recent work in the domain of Cyber Physical Systems Learn about the challenges in real world deployment of the system through hands-on exposure in the course project;
Learning activities – Effective? Lectures: Lectures before mid-sem gave you basic understanding of the microcontroller architecture - Power, Memory, External Interfaces … Lectures in the remaining course, reading based, taken by students No formal lab sessions: Increasing difficult lab assignments Demo sessions to explain the lab assignments Advanced AVR boards Learning new IDE for programming Make sure you all give your gmail address to be added as user in the blog.
Learning activities – Effective? Group Presentations: Were the readings useful to provide you with a broader perspective of embedded systems? Did you find in-class discussions helpful/interesting? Group Project – Phase1: Code understanding Installing the whole system on your own Real data from the system installed by you Make sure you all give your gmail address to be added as user in the blog.
Support Online readings? Peers? Manish/Ankit Course material – slides/audio recordings/reference material (datasheets, programming guide) Make sure you all give your gmail address to be added as user in the blog.
What did we cover? Embedded Systems Overview Typical challenges in embedded systems Timing issues in cyber physical systems Embedded platform design space Overview of 8-, 16-, 32-bit family devices Overview of embedded programming options
What did we cover? Microcontroller architecture and programming: Details of AVR CPU architecture Details of microcontroller memory – Flash, SRAM, EEPROM, Registers Bus arbitration, direct memory access Pin configuration and settings System control and reset options Clock selection and configuration Sleep modes and power management Interrupt service
What did we cover? Microcontroller peripheral modules Timers/Counters Analog Comparators Analog to Digital Converters External interfaces I2C (two wire) SPI (four wire, explicit chip select) UART/USART DC/Power Characteristics PDI JTAG
What did we cover? On-board connections: Voltage regulators Interfacing external sensors Decoupling capacitors Pull up/down registers Other common wired interfaces: RS-232 RS-422 RS-485 USB CAN
What did we cover? Other common wireless interfaces: Infrared Bluetooth 802.15.4/Zigbee WiFi System level issues: Timing and Synchronization Scheduling Low power platform design
What did we cover? Broad challenges: Specialized topics Power line communication Energy scavenging Designing plug load measurement system 6LowPAN standard Broad challenges: Cyber physical systems design challenges – primarily timing Pervasive computing – how is it different from mobile/ distributed computing; what are the typical challenges in designing and developing unified system