Amos was not a “prophet,” 7:14, 15 Amos Ordinary Extraordinary Amos
God calls on us to rebuke the world, Eph. 5:11 Amos Ordinary, Jn. 12:37 Extraordinary, 1 Pt. 4:4 Amos
Historical Context Amos Message Lessons
Uzziah reigned in Judah, 2 Kgs. 15:1-7; 2 Chron. 26 Historical Context Amos Uzziah reigned in Judah, 2 Kgs. 15:1-7; 2 Chron. 26 Mostly good Built kingdom Military Prosperity Trespassed in arrogance
Jeroboam II reigned in Israel, 2 Kgs. 14:23-28 Historical Context Amos Jeroboam II reigned in Israel, 2 Kgs. 14:23-28 Sins of Jeroboam Built kingdom Military Prosperity
Message Judgment From Zion, 1:2-:2:16 Damascus Amos Edom Israel Moab Ammon Judah Gaza Tyre
Israel committed many crimes, 3-6 Message Amos Israel committed many crimes, 3-6 Punishment, 3:2 Israel conquered, 3:11 Severe punishment, 3:12-15 Moral corruption, 4:1-3 Unheeded warnings, 4:6-13 Seek the Lord, 5:2, 4-6
Israel committed many crimes, 3-6 Message Amos Israel committed many crimes, 3-6 Injustice, 5:7 Captivity, 5:11 Seek the Lord, 5:14, 15 No escape, 5:18, 19 Vain worship, 5:21 Captivity, 5:27 Materialistic, 6:1, 4-7 Complete destruction, 6:14
Amos received five visions, 7-9 Message Amos Amos received five visions, 7-9 Locust: spared, 7:1-3 Fire: spared, 7:4-6 Plumb line, 7:7-9 Resistance, 7:10-13 Rebuttal, 7:14-17 Ripe fruit, 8:1, 2 Altar, 9:1 No escape, 9:2-4 Total destruction, 9:8-10
God speaks for a reason, 3:4-8 Lessons Amos God speaks for a reason, 3:4-8 His will, Eph. 1:11; Heb. 6:18 Live wrong: hell, 1 Cor. 6:9, 10 Life right: heaven, Rom. 6:23
those who tell the truth, 5:10 Lessons Amos Wicked men hate those who tell the truth, 5:10 Enemy, Gal. 4:16 Some give in, Lk. 22:54-62 Some stand up, Acts 4:18-21, 31
those who tell the truth, 5:10 Lessons Amos Wicked men hate those who tell the truth, 5:10 What do we hate? Truth on baptism? Truth on anger? Truth on immodesty? Truth on attendance?
Vain worship is not accepted, 5:21-24 Lessons Amos Vain worship is not accepted, 5:21-24 Sincere & dedicated, but vain, Mt. 15:7-9 Spirit & truth, Jn. 4:24 Modern examples Instrumental music Plays Mechanical
Spiritual matters must be placed above material ones, 6:1-7 Lessons Amos Spiritual matters must be placed above material ones, 6:1-7 Material blessings, Acts 14:17 Different men, Gen. 13:2; Lk. 12:16-21 Priorities, Mt. 6:19-21, 33 Work over church Recreation over study Television over prayer
There is a plumb line of the Lord, 7:7-9 Lessons Amos There is a plumb line of the Lord, 7:7-9 Standard, Eph. 4:5; Jn. 8:32 Out of line, 2 Jn. 9 Measured, Jn. 12:48
Historical Context Amos Message Lessons
Amos was not a “prophet,” 7:14, 15 Amos Ordinary Extraordinary Amos
God calls on us to rebuke the world, Eph. 5:11 Amos Ordinary, Jn. 12:37 Extraordinary, 1 Pt. 4:4 Amos