Our Solar System by Jacob Shoultes Our solar system is has the Sun in the center. A solar system is a star with planets revolving around it.
Sun The sun is a super heated ball of gas. The sun is also a star.
Mercury Mercury is the closest planet to the sun. Mercury is called the death planet because it has no light.
Venus Venus is the third hottest planet in the world. Venus is the second closest planet to the sun.
Earth Earth is the only planet with a water covered planet. Earth is the third closest to the sun.
Mars A rover landed on the planet Mars. Mars is the fourth planet closest to the sun.
Asteroid belt The asteroid belt is a large group of asteroids. The asteroid belt separates the inner planets from the outer planets.
Jupiter If you weigh 70 pounds on Earth you would weigh 185 pounds on Jupiter. Jupiter is the sixth closest planet to the sun.
Saturn The rings on Saturn are 169,800 wide. Saturn's the 6th closest planet to the sun.
Uranus Uranus has 27 moons. Uranus is the 7th planet closest to the sun.
Neptune Neptune has 13 moons. Neptune is the 8th closest planet to the sun.
Pluto Pluto is not a real planet since it’s a dwarf planet.
Ceres Ceres is the eleventh planet closest to the sun Ceres is another dwarf planet
Comet A comet is a falling star A comet is also things falling from all over the sky
Stars Stars are made of two gases The two gases are hydrogen and helium
Moon The moon is made of metal in space There’s more than one moon
Galaxy Our galaxy is called the milky way There’s more than one galaxy
Make make Make make is another dwarf planet Make make is the twelfth planet closest to the sun
Neil Armstrong Neil Armstrong is the first person to walk on the moon Neil Armstrong was born in 1930 and died in 2012
Constellation A constellation is a imaginary picture The imaginary picture is made from stars
Inner planets The four inner planets are Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars There the 4 closest planets to the sun
Outer planets The four outer planets are Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune There the four furthest to the sun
Universe The universe is every thing in space The universe is a bunch of galaxys
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