Introduction to Spanish-American War McIntyre “A Splendid Little War” John Hay, Secretary of State, 1898
Background: Who? Where? Spain vs. America Phillipines, Cuba (Spain’s Colonies)
Background: USA Cuba The Philippines
Spain’s Reconcentration Policy What? Civilians were forced into government run camps (with bad conditions) Why? Spain was fighting a guerilla war and needed to separate “good” from “bad” guys How did it lead to war? Made Spain look bad in American eyes
American Economic Interests What? Many of Cuba’s sugar plantations were owned by Americans Why? Protecting their economic interests How did it lead to war? Made Americans more likely to help out Cuba
“Yellow Journalists” What? Newspaper created highly exaggerated stories Why? Make more $ if they keep you scared and interested How did it lead to war? Made Americans want war!
Sensational Journalism or Yellow Journalism Activity Screaming newspaper headlines about the situation in Cuba in the 1890s helped fan the flames of war by influencing public opinion in the United States Research current headlines aimed at selling newspapers -- rather than telling honest stories - -look at newsstands and in supermarket checkout lines Research some of the headlines and stories published in the World and the Journal in the 1890s and compare these with the headlines found in modern tabloid papers How are they similar and/or different? Are any stories more or less harmful than others? Homework Foxborough History Department
Foxborough History Department
Why? Help give freedom to Spain’s colonies!
Frederic Remington’s Disrobing Propaganda “Yellow Journalism” “You furnish the pictures, I’ll furnish the war William Randolph Hearst Frederic Remington’s Disrobing Propaganda
Slide Analysis: Judge Cartoon
Leaders William McKinley Theodore Roosevelt George Dewey William Randolph Hearst General Weyler “The Butcher Emilio Aguinaldo Foxborough History Department
William McKinley, Jr. (1843-1901) 25th President Wanted to avoid war in Cuba Yellow journalism and public supported war In April 1898, President McKinley abandoned his failed diplomatic efforts and asked Congress for permission to intervene in Cuba. Foxborough History Department
Theodore Roosevelt Assistant Secretary of the Navy. “I should welcome almost any war, for I think this country needs one” First Volunteer Cavalry, nicknamed the "Rough Riders.“ Stop, drop, that’s how rough riders roll…..(DMX) Foxborough History Department
Commodore George Dewey May 1, 1899— Commodore Dewey and his Asiatic Squadron defeated the Spanish fleet in Manila Bay During and after the war, George Dewey became one of the war's most celebrated heroes Foxborough History Department
William Randolph Hearst Newspaper publisher and leading example of yellow journalism New York Journal started a public hysteria for war with Spain by publishing incendiary articles and illustrations Hearst once said "You provide the pictures and I'll provide the war." Foxborough History Department
General Weyler “The Butcher” In 1896, the Spanish sent "The Butcher," to Cuba To prevent the insurrectos Weyler built concentration camps in which he imprisoned a large portion of the population Under the harsh and unsanitary conditions in the concentration camps, Cuban prisoners died rapidly, especially from disease Foxborough History Department
Emilio Aguinaldo The Philippines' revolutionary leader Fought first against Spanish imperialism After the end of the Spanish- American War, fought against American Foxborough History Department
Events-Timeline 1895: Cuban nationalists revolt against Spanish rule 1896: Spanish General Weyler (the "Butcher") comes to Cuba. 1897: Spain recalls Weyler Early 1898: USS Maine sent to Cuba February 9, 1898: Hearst publishes Dupuy du Lome's letter insulting McKinley. Foxborough History Department
Foxborough History Department
Sinking of the Maine in Havana Harbor What? USS Maine explodes in Havana, Cuba Harbor, Most Americans believe it was Spain’s fault 1976 US Navy analyzed the sunken ship, decided that the hull blew OUT not IN How did it lead to war? “Spark” that started the war “Remember the Maine! To hell with Spain!”
Slide Analysis: Headline of the Maine Explosion Maine Explosion Caused by Bomb or Torpedo? 2/17/1898 New York World
Manila Bay What Happened at Manila Bay? Surprise naval attack sunk the crumbling Spanish Navy Made Americans feel very superior
Rough Riders Who were the Rough Riders? Who was their leader? Teddy Roosevelt resigns as Asst Secy of the Navy to lead a “Cowboy Calvary” Brought his own photographer Teddy’s popularity from this leads to his becoming v.p. and president
Rough Riders What famous Battle did they participate in? San Juan Hill African Americans also helped but get no credit
Teddy Roosevelt
Results US defeats Spain & becomes a world power Teddy Roosevelt elected Vice President in 1900 and becomes President in 1901 when McKinley is shot US must decide what to do about Spain’s former colonies (Phillipines, Puerto Rico, and Cuba)