Layers of classification SCIENCE GRADE SIX – ROOTS OF LIFE Pickling Role of Plants Freezing Classification Vocabulary: All K-5 process vocabulary plus: Dependent Variable Factors Hand lens Hypothesis Bacteria Cell Characteristic Decomposer Development Genus Host Multicellular Nucleus Species Virus Preservation Characteristics Layers of classification Roots of Life Irradiation Keys Dehydration Bacteria and viruses Food preservation Micro-organisms Essential Understandings: Pickling results in the reductions of the intracellular pH of microorganisms Freezing is used so that low temperature and reduction of water activity prevents microbial growth One of the oldest methods of food preservation is by drying, which reduces the water activity sufficient enough to delay or prevent bacterial growth Treating raw meat and poultry with irradiation at the plant could eliminate bacteria commonly found on raw meat and raw poultry When food is dehydrated, it means that water is removed from the food Bacteria and viruses are micro-organisms Micro-organisms cause food borne illnesses Food preservation is the process of treating and handling food in such a way as to stop or greatly slow down spoilage to prevent food borne illnesses while maintaining nutritional value, texture and flavor Animals and plants can be identified using dichotomous keys The seven layers of classification are: Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus and Species Some organisms have characteristics of both plants and animals Living things are classified according to their characteristics The source of all energy on Earth is the Sun Animals depend on plants for survival Plants make their own food