Gender Report of the University of Ferrara Ferrara, 9 June 2014
What is a Gender Report? Monitoring the situation of men and women in the university in order to plan the future equal oriented policies
Gender Report in the University of Ferrara University of Ferrara is the only Italian University that has a Gender Report First edition 2011 Second edition 2012: cooperation with the Italian Ministry for University (MIUR) and insertion of data from «She figures» + female as neutrum
Work in Progress Scientific Board Indicators MIUR and She figures to compare Italian and European universities Common format for the Gender Report
What are the contents of the Gender Report? Indicators on the situation of men and women in the University (students, administrative staff and academic staff) Equal Opportunities Bodies: name, composition, how they are nominated, functions Positive action: positive action plan + specific actions by topic (reconciliation of work and family; equal representation in the university bodies; equal distribution in the department/faculty) Gender in the researches: title, keywords, abstract
If you want to collaborate, please contact us! • Vice Rector for Equal Opportunities Cristiana Fioravanti, e-mail: • President of Equal Opportunities Committee (CP) Silvia Borelli, e-mail: • President of Equal Opportunities Committee (CUG) Cinzia Mancini, e-mail: