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Presentation transcript:


HUMAN BED WARMER (Ljudi-grejači kreveta) Guests at a London Holiday Inn have the option of falling asleep in a bed that has been pre-heated by another human. According to an article in the Telegraph, a staff member will dress in a full-body sleeper suit and lay in your bed for 5 minutes. Apparently there’s scientific evidence that sleep starts when body temperature starts to drop, so a warm bed is a good way to start this process. But just because science says it’s okay doesn’t mean it actually is... Gosti u Londonu imaju mogućnost da spavaju u krevetu koji je prethodno zagrejao drugi čovek. Prema članku u Telegrafu,član osoblja će se obući pidžamu i ležati u krevetu oko 5 minuta. Očigledno postoji naučni dokaz da san počinje kada temperatura tela počinje da opada,tako da je zagrejan krevet dobar način da se započne taj proces. Ali,samo zato što nauka kaže da je to u redu,ne znači da je zapravo tako.

Flavorists (Istraživač ukusa) Flavorists find out nice flavors from nature and try to make them artificially with laboratory work. These experts are mainly hired by food and perfume manufacturing companies. In order to get into this career opportunity, you need to have an educational background in chemistry and also a sense for taste and fragrances. ‘’Flavoristi’’ isprobavaju lepe ukuse iz prirode i pokušavaju da ih veštačkim putem naprave. Ovakve eksperte uglavnom zapošljavaju kompanije koje se bave proizvodnjom hrane i parfema.Da biste radili ovaj posao, morate imati obrazovanje iz oblasti hemije i takođe osećaj za ukus i arome.

Gum Busters (Čistači žvaka) The main job of a gum buster is to clean chewing gum thrown and stuck on the ground or anywhere else to maintain cleanliness. He is provided with a gum busting machine that will remove the gum from the surface. Gum busters may earn around $400 for just working for a few hours. Glavni posao skidača žvaka je čišćenje žvaka koje su bačene na zemlju ili bilo gde drugde. On je zadužen za skidanje žvaka mašinom. Skidači žvaka mogu zaraditi oko 400 dolara za samo par sati rada.

Snake milkers (Sakupljači zmijskog otrova) Sakupljači zmijskog otrova su profesionalci koji rade sa životinjama i zmijama. Njihov glavni zadatak je da prikupe otrov iz zmije i predaju ga za pravljenje protiv-otrova. Ovi stručnjaci mogu raditi u zoološkim vrtovima,parkovima zmija i drugim ustanovama u kojima se proučavaju životinje. Snake milkers are professionals who have a liking for working with animals and snakes. Their main job is to remove and collect venom from snakes and hand it over for making the anti-venom. These experts may work in zoos, snake parks, and other animal research facilities.

Roadkill cleaner -Čistač mrtvih životinja sa autoputa Dead animals are less dangerous than those live sharks and octopi. Cleaning on summer day is very difficult and sometimes animals smeel bad. It’s not easy at all! Zgažene životinje na autoputu su manje opasne od ajkula i oktopoda. Medjutim, čišćenje autoputa po letnjem danu je veoma teško,a ponekad mrtve životinje smrde. Uopšte nije lako!

Za izradu prezentacije korišćene fotografije preuzete sa interneta Autori: Katarina Isaković VIII3 Anika Miletić VIII4 Danka Lekić VIII3