Learning to Code with the MicroBit Paul Allison, Queen’s School of Computing
What is Coding?
You Can CHANGE the World!
The MicroBit
BBC MicroBit Website
BBC MicroBit Website
Let’s Write Some Code!
Let’s Write Some Code!
Let’s Write Some Code!
Let’s Write Some Code!
Code Your Name Button A displays “HELLO” Button B displays “My name is Paul” Both buttons display “It’s a pleasure to meet you!”
Activity Options Write a program that… Simulates Rock Paper Scissors. When you shake the Micro:Bit it displays one of the rock, paper, or scissors icons. When you press the “A” button, the MicroBit displays a graphic icon.
Counting Your Steps – Build a MicroFIT
Counting Your Steps – Build a MicroFIT Write a program that… Counts the number of steps that I take. When you press the “A” button, the MicroBit displays a the number of steps counted. When you press the “A” and “B” at the same time, the counter is reset.
Achieving Expectations
Fortune Telling – Build a Magic Eight Ball
Fortune Telling – Build a Magic Eight Ball Write a program that… When you shake the device, it tells your future. Try different messages: Yes, Absolutely, No, Very unlikely Hint: How does a magic eight ball know what to say?
Achieving Expectations