GANDD Overview Deborah MacMillan
GANDD Dr. Celia Hay 2016 - 2018 Dr. Deborah MacMillan 2016 – 2018 Chair Dr. Deborah MacMillan 2016 – 2018 Vice Chair Dr. Linda Streit 2017 – 2019 Treasurer Dr. Dina Hewett 2017 – 2019 Secretary Currently have 43 schools whose Dean/Directors are members
Clarify difference in roles between GANDD and AACON Georgia Association of Deans and Directors of Nursing Schools (GANDD) VISION GANDD exists to transform health care through the process of educating registered nurses to meet the nursing needs of the citizens of Georgia by: providing quality undergraduate and graduate education leading-edge research excellence in nursing practice and committed public service. PURPOSE GANDD serves as a unified voice for all Georgia Nursing Deans and Directors to create the preferred future for nursing education in the state of Georgia. Georgia Board of Regents Academic Advisory Committee on Nursing (AACON) The general function of the AACON shall be to study the curricula and programs of instruction within the nursing area to make recommendations concerning the improvement of instruction and programs to facilitate the exchange of information and ideas to improve articulation and coordination among the institutions of the USG to propose strategies to meet nursing workforce needs of the state and to consider any additional matters requested by the Chancellor, his or her representatives, or a member of the AACON.
The objectives of GANDD shall be to: Facilitate collaboration and networking among nursing programs in Georgia. Plan and conduct appropriate activities to address existing problems and strengthen nursing and nursing education at the local, state, and regional levels. Collaborate with and influence state, regional, and national groups and stakeholders concerned with nursing and nursing education. Provide leadership in educating a highly competent nursing workforce consistent with the health care needs of Georgia. Serve as a resource for development of policy and programs that enhance the health of people of Georgia.
Membership GANDD AACON Members shall be: State of Georgia schools offering nursing degrees (including state and private schools). Schools of nursing currently approved by the Georgia Board of Nursing. Approval must be at a minimum of 'initial' level approval. School representative shall be: Chief nursing education officer (dean, director, chairperson). Voting privileges: Voting shall be one vote per school either by the administrative head or designee. AACON Member is defined as the dean, the director, or the chair from the USG college, school or division which comprises the nursing area at the institution. The Member shall be the official representative for the institution. Each institution may designate up to two additional representatives as associate members. Associate members may serve as chairs or members of committees. Institutions may have no more than one representative per committee.
Information about GANDD
GANDD Survey 5 Year Strategic Plan 14 respondents to survey Please list three specific goals that should be given top priority in a 5 year strategic plan to help GANDD fulfill its vision and purpose. Let’s review and rank what was submitted.
Influence at state and national level Curriculum Standardization of ADN-BSN curriculum to improve seamless transition. Best practices for teaching pedagogies related to: Remediation English as a second language students Standardized Rigor across programs Clinical Collaboration with clinical practice partners over the state in coming to an agreement over credentialing requirements/companies. Continue to explore simulation as a substitute for clinical. Faculty Develop some type of depository to identify nurse educators that are seeking teaching positions (particularly those graduating from PhD programs). Collaboration to address the need for more nurse educators in next 3-5 years Retention/Salaries/Funding for Master’s in Nursing Education Identify ways to foster and increase nurse educator leadership Influence at state and national level Continue to work together to influence policy at state level.
GANDD is meeting their stated objectives: Provide leadership in educating a highly competent nursing workforce consistent with the health care needs of Georgia. 86.71% Strongly Agree or Agree Serve as a resource for development of policy and programs that enhance the health of people of Georgia. 64.28% Strongly Agree or Agree Facilitate collaboration and networking among nursing programs in Georgia. 85.62% Strongly Agree or Agree Plan and conduct appropriate activities to address existing problems and strengthen nursing and nursing education at the local, state, and regional levels. 71.44% Strongly Agree or Agree Collaborate with and influence state, regional, and national groups and stakeholders concerned with nursing and nursing education. 78.57% Strongly Agree or Agree
Fall Survey Results for meeting topics BON Updates USG BOR updates Legal Concerns Best practices for leadership transition in nursing education Best practices for mentoring potential leaders in nursing education
Topics for future meeting that were identified as being important Student disability and accommodations Drug screening and background checks Increasing cost for clinical onboarding Manpower for schools Direct cost for students Plagiarism Professionalism Critical thinking Eliminating barrier in Georgia for ADN to BSN What are the area F requirements for programs within the state.
Potential Dates for fall meeting hosted by GANDD Thursday October 11th Friday October 12th Thursday October 18th Friday October 19th