obfuscate: verb definition: to confuse, bewilder, or stupefy to make obscure or unclear to darken
obfuscate pronunciation: ob-fuh-skeyt
obfuscate related forms noun obfuscation adjective obfuscatory
obfuscate synonyms complicate confound bewilder conceal obscure perplex muddle
obfuscate The lawyer obfuscated the truth to win the lawsuit.
obfuscate The numerous street signs obfuscated the driver.
obfuscate Rose-colored glasses obfuscate reality by making it appear better than it is.
obfuscate Politicians often obfuscate the truth about the issues to win votes.
obfuscate obfuscates In Legally Blonde, the main character her intelligence with her ditsy-blonde act.
obfuscation Being blinded by love can cause obfuscation.
obfuscation Extraneous input causes information overload and obfuscation.
obfuscation Fear can often cause obfuscation of reality.
obfuscatory The obfuscatory topic was difficult to explain to the struggling student.