Meiosis Producing Sex Cells
I. How Many Possible Chromosome combos? In a human gamete: 23 pairs of chromosomes - one from each pair in a sperm or egg.
If there were only one pair, how many ways would there be to pass on one chromosome? From two pairs? Three pairs? Hmmm, I see a pattern… And where there’s a pattern, there’s a formula.
The equation F(x)= 2x X = # of pairs. Possible combinations is… 2 to choose from in each pair. Possible combinations is… 8,388,608 Finally: For 2 of those cells to combine? (8,388,608)2
Meiosis Produces sex cells - gametes Somatic (body) cells have pairs of homologous chromosomes. Same genes at same locus (location). These are Diploid – 2n N is number of each chromosome type. Humans: 2n = 46 Gametes: n = 23. Haploid cells That’s a lot of vocab Bro!
Karyotype Photograph that shows all pairs. Can diagnose extra/missing chromosomes/fragments. Down Syndrome, Klinefelter, etc
Quick Quiz Llama sperm/egg cells have 38 chromosomes. What is the N #? 2N? Are sperm haploid or diploid?
Meiosis I cell’s DNA is copied (4n) Tetrad – 4 chromatids line up During Prophase I
Crossing Over A piece of one chromosome is cut out, switching with the same piece on its homolog. Recombinant chromosomes. Creates new genetic combinations. Chances of identical gametes is basically zero.
Meiosis I Like Mitosis Chrom. separated into 2 cells. Sister chrom. still together.
Meiosis II Sister chr. are pulled apart. Cell divides again. 4 total cells produced. Each has n number.
Mistakes During Meiosis Nondisjunction Failure of a pair of chromosomes to separate correctly. Spindle fails to attach properly at centromere. Result: both chromatids go one way. Nondisjunction. Gamete with too many/few chromosomes. Usually lethal. Down Syndrome - 3 copies (Trisomy) of chr. 21.
Sex- Chromosomes XXY - Kleinfelter syndrome XO - Turner Syndrome Male sex organs, testes abnormally small, sterile. Breast enlargement, normal intelligence. How Frequent? 1 per 1000 male births. XO - Turner Syndrome Lacking an X. Develops as a woman Short stature Sterile because sex organs don’t fully mature. Frequency: 1 per 2500 female births.