Tanzania- Vision Long term vision Achieving a high quality livelihood for all citizens by year 2025 through a universal access to safe drinking water and sanitation Focus for 2014-2016 Increase access to safe water supply in rural areas from 53% to 74% by 2015; Reduce OD from 12% to 6%; and increase access to improved sanitation from 12% to 53% by 2016. -Prioritize un-served pop. and vulnerable . Sanitation: 12% have access to improved sanitation. 12% practice OD Water: 53% have access to improved water Inequalities: 41% and 68% of population without access to improved sources of water , and improved sanitation respectively live in rural
JMP, 2013 and Review meetings Challenges Key bottlenecks 1.Lack of harmonized planning among stakeholders (Govt. and partners) for Sanitation 2. Inadequate private sector participation in water and sanitation services delivery. 3. Insufficient resources for establishing and sustaining Water Users Associations (WUAs) and Community Owned Water Supply Organizations (COWSOs), 4. Inadequate funding especially for sanitation 5.Weak monitoring and reporting systems. Tools used: GLAAS, 2014 JMP, 2013 and Review meetings
Progress on 2012 commitments Key achievement areas - National sanitation campaign rolled out to 25 regions and 168 councils - Development partner assigned roles and responsibilities in water and sanitation issues - Regional secretariats are strengthened to coordinate and supervise implementation at council level Areas of slow achievement - Separation of service delivery from regulatory functions Carry-over to 2014 -Separation of service delivery from regulatory functions
Equity & Sustainability 2014 Commitments - MoHSW and PMO-RALG establish a clear budget line for sanitation and hygiene Financing Decentralization MoHSW to develop guidelines to engage all the stakeholders to address the common goal in Sanitation and Hygiene Policy and Plans MoW to facilitâte the establishment of autonomous 93 WUA and 2725 COWSOs by 2016 Equity & Sustainability Sustainability -Enhance private sector participation in the delivery of S&H services, and scaling up demand creation approaches; Reduce OD to 6% by 2016 Capacity Equality MoHSW to re-introduce the certificate course in Environmental Health Sciences National Monitoring System Capacity MoHSW, roll out the National Sanitation MIS in all 168 Councils and establish the benchmarking mechanism