American Library Association Online Resource Center Web Trends and Tools Xeno Media, Inc. 11/23/2018
What is the Online Resource Center? Web-based professional development space Help librarians find resources for cultural programming Train librarians using a variety of online methods Involve library schools in examining the need for courses in cultural programming Xeno Media, Inc. 11/23/2018
Cultural programming includes humanities and arts programs in various formats Book and film discussions Author readings and presentations Exhibits Lectures by scholars Music and dance performances Drama Living history presentations, etc. Xeno Media, Inc. 11/23/2018
How can the Web help increase cultural programming? Combine interactive learning with expanded technologies - Web 2.0 Xeno Media, Inc. 11/23/2018
What is Web 2.0? Uses the Web as a platform User controls their own data Harnesses collective intelligence Software that gets better the more people use it – continuous improvement Xeno Media, Inc. 11/23/2018
Successful Web 2.0 sites Google Yahoo Amazon You Tube Wikipedia eBay MySpace Google – ranks search engine results based on traffic, popularity Amazon – suggests items based on purchasing history, people who bought this also bought this You Tube – ranks videos based on popularity, suggests videos you may like eBay – collection of items to purchase, ranks vendors and customers Xeno Media, Inc. 11/23/2018
Much of the infrastructure of the Web relies on the peer-production methods of open source – collective intelligence Xeno Media, Inc. 11/23/2018
Available Options for ALA ORC Podcasts Video/Photos Webinars Blogs/Social networking Wikis RSS feeds - Really Simple Syndication Folksonomy Podcasts – digital media file played over the internet for playback on portable media players or computers Video/photo – sites like You Tube, Flickr where you can view and share photos and videos Webinars – conferencing via the web Blogs/Social Networking - TypePad, MySpace, Facebook – participation not publishing, builds on tagging Wikis – online encyclopedia – entries can be added by any web user and edited by another RSS feeds – continuous updating of files Folksonomy – collaborative tagging using freely chosen keywords or a way to categorize sites using freely chosen keywords or tags. Much of the infrastructure of the web relies on the peer-production methods of open source – collective intelligence User behavior is not predetermined User contributions Collective power Examples include Xeno Media, Inc. 11/23/2018
Examples Podcasts – lectures by scholars Video/Photos – exhibits, performances Blogs/Social networking – book and film discussions Xeno Media, Inc. 11/23/2018
What is the future of the Web? Web 3.0 – Knowledge Networking Connects people with each other “for a purpose”. Not based on socializing but to share and organize data you are interested in. Often coined as the semantic web. Controlled vocabulary for tagging so it can be machine read. Xeno Media, Inc. 11/23/2018