Section 4: The Glory That Was Greece Ancient Greece Section 4: The Glory That Was Greece Witness History Audio: Aristotle Meditates on Thought Philosophers Lovers of Wisdom Greek philosophers tried to discover universal truths. These truths would hopefully lead to better government and proper ethics. Among the most influential philosophers were Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle. Notes: Listen to the Witness History audio. Then read aloud the main idea for each subheading in this section and show the related visuals. After listening to the Witness History audio, ask, “What is the main idea of Aristotle’s meditation?” (Divine thought, or the thinking of God or the gods, is the highest form of thought and consists of thought about thought.) When showing Color Transparency 20, use the lesson suggested in the transparency book to guide discussion. Idealism in Architecture and Art Greek architecture reflects the Greek love of order and balance. The use of columns gave buildings grandeur and is still copied today. Greek sculptures of men and women were more natural looking than previous figures had been. Color Transparency 20: Nike of Samothrace 1 of 5
Section 4: The Glory That Was Greece Ancient Greece Section 4: The Glory That Was Greece Greek Literature Greek plays evolved from religious festivals. The tragic plays of Aeschylus, Sophocles, and Euripides elicited pity and fear from the audience and commented on dilemmas existing in Greece at that time. Comedies, also, were social commentaries. Note Taking Transparency 65 Recording Events in History Herodotus was an early historian. In his account of The Persian Wars, he collected first-hand accounts and tried to avoid those that were biased. Still, his methods were not as pure as are required of historians today. Notes: Listen to the Witness History audio. Then read aloud the main idea for each subheading in this section and show the related visuals. After listening to the Witness History audio, ask, “What is the main idea of Aristotle’s meditation?” (Divine thought, or the thinking of God or the gods, is the highest form of thought and consists of thought about thought.) When showing Color Transparency 20, use the lesson suggested in the transparency book to guide discussion. QuickTake Section Quiz Progress Monitoring Transparency 2 of 5
Ancient Greece: Section 4 Color Transparency 20: Nike of Samothrace 3 of 5
Ancient Greece: Section 4 Note Taking Transparency 65 4 of 5
Ancient Greece: Section 4 Progress Monitoring Transparency 5 of 5