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Expected time to complete INTRODUCTION Mock Test 1 follows the CLAT pattern wherein the students are subjected to the same level of difficulty both in terms of question type and level. The mock test comprises of five sections with a total of 200 questions. A student is expected to attempt this test in an actual test like environment wherein they have 120 minutes to complete the test and thus needs to schedule their time accordingly. Sections No. of questions Expected time to complete English 40 26 min. General Knowledge 50 12 min. Mathematics 20 Logical Reasoning 30 min. Legal Aptitude 40 min.

ENGLISH This section was of moderate level of difficulty. It consisted of: 1 RC Passage (Total 10 questions) 4 questions on Vocabulary - synonyms 4 questions on Word spelling 4 questions on Grammar – Identify correct sentences 5 questions on Grammar – Prepositions (Fill in the blanks) 3 questions on Grammar – Tenses (Fill in the blanks) 5 questions on Idioms 5 questions on Para Jumbles  The various questions are now described in detail:

DETAILS Question S. No. Key Concepts and Brief Description Overall Level of Difficulty Strategy 1 to 10 Reading Comprehension Easy - Moderate The passage was related to Business and Economics and would have proved slightly difficult for some students. However, a careful reading of the passage would have easily helped one arrive at the answers. 11 to 20 The passage was easy to read and comprehend. The questions pertained to specific details and were easy. At least 8 out of 10 questions should have been attempted. 21 to 30 Moderate The passage was easy to read but the questions were mostly inference based. At least 7 out of 10 questions should have been attempted. 31 and 32 Grammar – Spot Error Both the sentences had common grammatical mistakes that students in general tend to make. At least one of the two should have been attempted.

details Question S. No. Key Concepts and Brief Description Overall Level of Difficulty Strategy 33 to 35 Fill in the Blanks Moderate Q. 33 required one to understand the sentence logically first to arrive at the answer. The other two sentences were phrasal verbs based. Q. 35, being slightly abstruse, could have been left. 36 Vocabulary - Synonyms The correct answer could easily be arrived at by understanding the context of the sentence and eliminating the options accordingly. 37 Vocabulary - Foreign Language Phrases The foreign language phrase was common and students should have attempted this question. 38 and 39 Vocabulary - Idioms and Phrases Easy - Moderate Both the idioms are fairly common but the options were close making these questions a little tricky. Q. 39 should have been attempted. 40 Para Jumble (4 Sentence Type) Moderate - Difficult The Para jumble was comparatively more time consuming. One should have attempted it by eliminating the options.

GENERAL KNOWLEDGE GK section of MOCK TEST – 1 had 50 questions. Out of which 25 questions were from current affairs and 25 questions were from static GK. Current affairs questions were inclined towards different National and International personalities across various fields. The questions from static GK were from General Science, Polity and Constitution, Economy and Geography etc.   Further, the break-up can be analyzed with the help of the following table:

DETAILS Static GK Current GK Section No. of Questions Difficulty level History 6 Hard National Events 2 Moderate Geography (India & World) 5 Moderate to Hard International Events   1 Easy Indian Polity & Constitution Personality 7 Easy to Moderate Economy 4 Places Science & Tech Awards & Honors Misc. - Sports Total 25

mathematics This section of the test was of easy level of difficulty. It consisted of: 8 questions of Arithmetic 6 questions of Algebra 3 questions of Number System 2 questions of Geometry/Mensuration 1 questions of Simplification

details Simplification Question S. No. Key concepts and brief description Topic Level of difficulty 91, 92, 94, 96, 97, 99, 109, 110 Ratio and Proportion, Average, SI & CI, Profit loss and discount, Time and Work, Ratio and Proportion, Time Speed and Distance, Average Arithmetic Easy to Moderate 100, 102, 103, 105, 106, 107 Probability, Age based, Linear equation, Permutation & Combination, Arithmetic Progression, Set Theory Algebra 93, 98, 101 Divisibility, Remainder Number System Easy 104, 109 Cylinder and Cone, Geometry Geometry & Mensuration 102 VBODMAS Simplification  

reasoning This section of the test was of moderate level of difficulty. It consisted of : Verbal Logic 3 questions on syllogisms – statement conclusion 5 questions on assertion reason 5 questions on statement – argument 5 questions on odd one out 2 questions on critical reasoning 5 questions on statement - inference Analytical Reasoning 5 questions of Analytical Reasoning 5 question of Series 2 questions of Directions 3 question of Blood Relation

details Question S. No. Key Concepts and Brief Description Overall Level of Difficulty Strategy 111 to 113 Syllogisms - Statement Conclusion Easy The questions were easy and not very time consuming. All the questions should have been attempted. 114 to 118 Assertion - Reason Moderate - Difficult Q. 115, 117 and 118 were easier than the others and could have been attempted. One should have attempted the remaining two only if one was sure about them. 119 to 123 Question - Argument Moderate - Difficult Q 123 was difficult and could have been left un-attempted. 124 to 128 Odd One Out Q 124 was directly related to law and it was expected that one would know its answer. Q125 was slightly difficult and could have been left unanswered. Q 128 should have been attempted only if one was confident about the answer.

details Question S. No. Key Concepts and Brief Description Overall Level of Difficulty Strategy 129 to 130 Critical Reasoning Moderate - Difficult The level of the questions was moderate to difficult, calling for a careful reading of the paragraphs. 131 to 134 Statement - Inference Moderate Statements should have been interpreted by carefully analyzing them. All the questions should have been attempted. Please note that for question 135, all the students will be awarded one mark irrespective of the answer marked as none of the given options were correct. The explanation for the same is given below: From the statement given in option (c), which says that J.K. Rowling is the highest paid author, it cannot be inferred that there is no other author who earns as much as Rowling does. Getting 'paid' the most cannot be equated with 'earning' the most. Rowling might be paid the highest for any book that she writes but may end up earning much less than some other author for a lot of reasons – say, the other author publishes more number of books (than Rowling does) or has other sources of income.  The above is not applicable for students who are appearing for the online version. This question has been rectified and will be marked accordingly.

Key concepts and brief description details   Question S. No. Key concepts and brief description Topic Level of difficulty 136 – 140 Analytical Reasoning Moderate 141– 145 Series Easy to Moderate 146, 147 Directions 148 – 150 Blood relation Easy

Legal aptitude This section had 50 questions on Legal Aptitude comprising of both Legal Reasoning as well as Legal Knowledge. The section consisted of: Legal Reasoning (35 questions) Legal Knowledge (15 questions) Overall, the section was of Easy to Moderate difficulty level. The Legal Reasoning section specifically tested the ability of students to understand and interpret the legal principles and application of the same to factual matrix to reach the best answer. And, in order to answer the questions based on Legal Knowledge, students were expected to have knowledge of various concepts under Constitutional Law, Criminal law, Contracts, Torts and also general principles of different aspects of law.

details Legal Reasoning: The Legal Reasoning of Mock 1 was having a difficulty level of considerable amount. This section was dominated by questions from Torts law including but not limited to cluster questions. Few questions from Constitutional Law, Contracts and Criminal Law were also spotted along with IPR and International Law and Family law questions. A stalwart approach towards legal reasoning makes it a very scoring sub-section of the paper. Legal Knowledge: The Legal Knowledge part of mock 1 had a balance of questions from Constitutional Law, Contracts, Criminal Law, Torts and other General Principles of law. The answer to Question No. 189 has been wrongly given in the answer key as (c). The correct answer is (b) and those students who have marked option (b) as the answer will be awarded 1 mark.

details Question Numbers Number of Questions Topics Difficulty Level Legal Reasoning Legal Knowledge L.R. L.K. 155, 156, 157, 158, 168, 169 192, 198, 199 6 3 Criminal Law Easy to Moderate 166, 167 191 2 1 International Law Moderate 159, 162, 163, 164, 165, 174, 175, 176, 177, 182, 183, 184, 185 193, 195 13 Torts 154, 160, 161, 170, 171, 172, 173 194, 196, 197 5 Constitution Moderate to Difficult 153 188 Family Law Easy 151, 152, 178, 179, 180, 181 189, 200 Contracts 186, 187, 190 - General Principles of Law