Paper 1: Civil Rights 1945-73
- Effect, Causes, Explain a change - Paper One Civil Rights 1945-1973 Germany 1919 - 1945 Exactly the same kind of questions - Effect, Causes, Explain a change -
Why did? (8 marks) McCarthy become so powerful McCarthy become so unpopular A civil rights movement emerge by 1957 The Civil Rights Act get passed Martin Luther King become so influential Black Power emerge Civil Rights methods change by 1968 Students protest in the 1960s Women movement grow in 1960s-70s Groups oppose the women’s movement The Watergate scandal occur Nixon resign
Reason One Reason Two = Result because… Explain one reason One reason why (question wording) was…… For example… This led to/ increased/resulted in …. because…… Links between both reasons to explain outcome Reason One Reason Two = Result because… Explain one reason Another reason why (question wording) was…… For example… This led to/ increased/resulted in …. because……
Model answer example: One reason why the methods for civil rights changed in the 1960s was because many young, urban black Americans became frustrated by the slow pace of change in their socio-economic conditions. For example, there was police brutality, high unemployment, overcrowding and poor services. Riots broke out in New York (1964), Los Angeles (1965) and Chicago (1966) because of the poor conditions for black people in urban areas. This led to a change in methods because groups like the Black Panthers decided to use black self-reliance to fight poverty and police brutality with organised community action like the Free Breakfast Program and self-defence rather than depend on protection from the federal government. Another reason why the methods for civil rights changed in the 1960s was because influential leaders such as Malcolm X and Stokely Carmichael began to challenge the methods of Martin Luther King. For example, unlike King, these leaders did not believe in co-operation with the white government and disagreed with the use of non-violence, preferring more militant self-defence and reliance on Black Power. This resulted in a change of methods because both leaders were very good orators and led the Nation of Islam (Malcolm X) and SNCC (Carmichael) so could appeal to a wide audience for change. These two reasons worked together to change civil rights methods because the ideas of Malcolm X and Stokely Carmichael appealed to young black Americans who were impatient for change and realised that King’s methods of non-violent protest did not work well for dealing with urban socio-economic problems (as clearly shown by King’s failed campaign to improve housing in Chicago in 1966).
Use your copy of the model answer to identify: The two reasons Model answer example: One reason why the methods for civil rights changed in the 1960s was because many young, urban black Americans became frustrated by the slow pace of change in their socio-economic conditions. For example, there was police brutality, high unemployment, overcrowding and poor services. Riots broke out in New York (1964), Los Angeles (1965) and Chicago (1966) because of the poor conditions for black people in urban areas. This led to a change in methods because groups like the Black Panthers decided to use black self-reliance to fight poverty and police brutality with organised community action like the Free Breakfast Program and self-defence rather than depend on protection from the federal government. Another reason why the methods for civil rights changed in the 1960s was because influential leaders such as Malcolm X and Stokely Carmichael began to challenge the methods of Martin Luther King. For example, unlike King, these leaders did not believe in co-operation with the white government and disagreed with the use of non-violence, preferring more militant self-defence and reliance on Black Power. This resulted in a change of methods because both leaders were very good orators and led the Nation of Islam (Malcolm X) and SNCC (Carmichael) so could appeal to a wide audience for change. These two reasons worked together to change civil rights methods because the ideas of Malcolm X and Stokely Carmichael appealed to young black Americans who were impatient for change and realised that King’s methods of non-violent protest did not work well for dealing with urban socio-economic problems (as clearly shown by King’s failed campaign to improve housing in Chicago in 1966). Use your copy of the model answer to identify: The two reasons Facts/ examples of each reason The ‘so what?’ explanation The link
1. Prepare this question using the revision boxes 2 1. Prepare this question using the revision boxes 2. Compare your answer to the version of page 155 Why was there a growing fear of communism in the USA in the late 1940s and early 1950s?