Drama and Theatre Studies - A Level http://renierdrama.wordpress.com
A2 Course Breakdown The A2 is split into three units Unit 4: Devising Unit 5: Text in Performance 2 Unit 6: Text in Context 2
Unit 4: Devising This unit involves making and performing a devised piece of theatre. This can be based on a theme or topic of interest to the group, or might be based on introductory workshop lessons given by the teacher. This piece of work could have some connection to the AS, e.g. it might pick up on a theme from a play.
Key Elements to remember in this unit: The devised piece of work should be original You will be assessed on your individual contribution to the work both in rehearsals and in performance. You will have to keep a focused logbook detailing specific areas of the rehearsal process. This is called your Structured Record and will be assessed. You must create a script or a detailed set of instructions for your work. The final piece should follow this script or instructions as closely as possible. This unit is worth 20% The assessment will be done by your tutor and the marks, Structured Records and a video will be sent off to be externally moderated.
Unit 5: Text in Performance 2 In this unit students will perform their own interpretation of a full length play script. This play must be directed by the group, and should present an original and creative interpretation of the text. This might involve changing the location of the play, cutting the play to focus on a particular message, gender swapping of characters etc. This unit will be externally examined, and the examiner will be looking for originality of interpretation as well as quality of acting.
Key Elements to remember in this unit: Group sizes should be between 3 and 6. The total presentation should be between 15 mins and 30 mins, depending on group size. Remember BE CREATIVE and show the examiner that you have really thought about the play and what it means. The play must be directed by the group, not the tutor. This unit is worth 15%. The workshop performance will be assessed by a visiting examiner.
Unit 6: Text in Context 2 This unit is split into two sections, both of which are examined in a final written examination in May.
Section A: This involves a study of a set play. This year the text is The Trojan Women. You must study this play from the point of view of a Director, ensuring that you understand how it might be performed and how you yourself would direct it. You will study the play in detail in class and will complete a research folder of notes on the text. You will also be allowed to annotate your text. These notes can be taken into the examination with you. The final exam will present you with a section of text, which you will be asked questions on related to its staging and performance. Make sure you have understood the text and can think creatively for success in this unit. This section is worth 10%.
Section B: In this unit you must have completed a study of a play written between 1575 and 1720. You must focus on the production history of the play, exploring it's original performance and how productions of the play might have changed throughout the ages. In order to fully explore this, you will need an excellent working knowledge of Theatre History and how acting and design changed through the ages with relation to social, historical, political and cultural events through history. This unit is also examined via a written examination, in which you will be asked to contrast the original performance conditions with a production form another period of history. This might focus on design, acting or themes. Once again, you are allowed to take notes into the exam, and as such should make sure you compile a research folder in class. This section is worth 5%
In Section B you are required to study and research the production history of a play written and performed between 1575 and 1720 and to evaluate the ways in which directors, designers and performers have used the medium of drama to interpret the chosen play. This should include a contemporary production of the play seen at first hand. You will have two and a half hours to complete the examination questions.