#49 Chapter 21 Section 3 Challenges and Changes in the Movement OBJECTIVE: understand the challenges and changes in the civil rights movement.
Ch.21.3 Terms and Names Stokely Carmichael- leader of the Black Power Movement. Black Power- movement that stressed Black cultural pride.
Ch.21.3 Terms and Names Black Panthers- African American group formed in Oakland, CA. Advocated: Black Power Black Nationalism Community Development Self-Defense
Ch.21.3 Terms and Names SHORT RESPONSE QUESTION: Civil Rights Act 1968- banned discrimination in housing. Affirmative Action- program aimed at hiring or including minorities. de facto segregation- segregation by custom and practice. de jure segregation- segregation by law. SHORT RESPONSE QUESTION: Which of these forms of segregation is more difficult to overcome? Why?
Malcolm X Malcolm X (1925-1965)- controversial minister of the Nation of Islam. Follower of Elijah Muhammad (Leader of The Nation of Islam). Preached that Blacks should separate from Whites. Malcolm’s views frighten Whites and moderate Blacks. Eventually split with Nation of Islam. Pilgrimage to Mecca changes Malcolm’s views. No longer a racial separatist. Favored ballots over bullets.
About Malcolm X "…I always had a deep affection for Malcolm and felt that he had a great ability to put his finger on the existence and the root of the problem. He was an eloquent spokesman for his point of view and no one can honestly doubt that Malcolm had a great concern for the problems we face as a race." -- Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. in a telegram to Betty Shabazz after the murder of Malcolm X.
Cesar Chavez Non-violent labor activist and leader of United Farm Workers Union (Mexicans and Filipinos). Focused on improving their working conditions. Organized massive grape boycott. Led to improved wages and benefits.
Ch.21 Review Chart Organizations Leaders Tactics Accomplishments NAACP SCLC SNCC Nation of Islam Black Panthers