Folk Tales/Fairy Tales Folk tales or fairy tales are usually purely imaginative, fictional stories intended to amuse, entertain, or teach.
Legends Legends are usually true stories of events in history but exaggerated for dramatic or humorous effect.
Myths Myths are imaginative stories resulting from man’s attempt to understand the phenomena of nature or to explain cultural customs and rituals.
Mythology Mythology is a way to explain things in the world that had no explanation before.
Introduction Vocabulary – Part 1 1) Aloof - standoffish 7) Indisputable – without question 2) Bestial – beast-like 8) Invariably – always; without fail 3) Clarity - clearness 9) Omnipotent – all-powerful 4) Contending - competing 10) Preposterous - absurd 5) Decreed – judged; ruled 11) Rhetorical - overblown 6) Frivolous - silly 12) Semblance - appearance