UNC Trader User – Licence obligations Transmission Workstream 4th November 2010
Ofgem Consultation 74/10 Ofgem has proposed to reduce unused and dormant electricity and gas shipper licences. National Grid provided cautiously favourable response: National Grid noted the potential need for significant changes to define a new UNC category of “Trader User”
National Grid NTS: progress Therefore National Grid Transmission is raising this Review Proposal to discuss the consequential UNC changes and inform a subsequent UNC modification. To be addressed during the Development Phase: Issue: Primary concern regards definition of users; are there any categories that can be identified by the industry which need to be taken into account? Transmission Workstream to capture other issues as necessary.
Conveying Gas as per Gas Act definition Other roles not conveying gas Separation of Roles Conveying Gas as per Gas Act definition Other roles not conveying gas Separate based on Gas Act definition.
Proposed Timescales Develop Mod 0338 Nov 2010 through April 2011 Present to panel for Consultation April 2011 Panel consideration May 2011 Ofgem decision June 2011 Implement 1st July 2011