ROTATION Time for a planet to make one spin on it’s axis Equal to planet’s DAY Which way does Earth rotate? How fast?
Solar day- 24 hours Sidereal Day- 23h 56m 4.09s Compared to the sun Compared to distant stars True rotation
REVOLUTION Time for planet to revolve around it’s star (orbit) YEAR Earth= 365.25 days Perihelion= closest to sun Jan. 3 Aphelion= farthest from sun July 4
Kepler’s Law (#2) Law of equal areas Speed of planet’s revolution varies based on distance from sun When fastest (month)?
Precession Movement in the direction of Earth’s axis Today; axis points towards Polaris In 12,000 years; axis points toward Vega Period= 26,000 years
GALAXY MOTION ROTATION 230 million years for Milky Way to rotate 150 miles/sec
Galaxy expansion
That’s a lot of motion! Rotation Revolution Precession Galaxy rotation Galaxyexpansion I’M DIZZY!
MOON MOTIONS Revolves around Earth Revolution= 29.5 days (from Earth’s view) (sideral= 27.3 days)
Moon Perigee- moon closest to earth (super moon) Apogee- moon farthest from earth
Moon Calendar