Fighting the Revolutionary War Chapter 1 Section 2
Focus Question What events and/or ideas lead to the American Revolution? (you don’t have to list all of them)
Mr. Washington Goes to War Born leader → charismatic Bad temper No military genius Terrible soldier in the British army Greatest military gift was in organizing retreats Redeemed himself in the Revolutionary War
Rag-Tag Army Lack of discipline Camp followers: soldiers’ families who tagged along with military No uniforms Lack of food Little pay available Terrible weather → Valley Forge
Colonial Military Tactics Couldn’t win an open-field, European-style battle Trick was to be a moving target “We fight, get beat, and fight again” Similar to guerilla tactics
Unlikely Allies The French come to the rescue Perfect opportunity for revenge against the British La Fayette: Leader of French troops
Colonial Ups and Downs Colonial disadvantages Colonial advantages Fighting an experienced enemy British navy was the most powerful in the world Colonists were a rag-tag army Colonial advantages Fighting on their own territory Familiar with British military tactics Slave population fought for the Patriots Help from allies
British Ups and Downs British advantages British disadvantages Well-equipped army World’s most powerful navy Very experienced military British disadvantages Not familiar with the territory Couldn’t commit all its forces to putting down the rebellion Didn’t take their enemies seriously
And the Winner Is… Yorktown 1781: British General Cornwallis surrenders Treaty of Paris 1783 British officially admit defeat British officially recognize the United States as a separate, independent country