WELCOME to an Introduction of the Monitoring the end-to-end Transport/Distribution Chain B2B Version V
What the system is all about … Order confirmed by supplier to client / Agent origin/destination offices Cargo ready date confirmed Cargo collection confirmed Shipping details received Order closed Order generated by client/Associated Agent office Agent receives/validates the order Order transmitted to the Associated Agent office/s and the supplier ROFS PROCESS
Why ROFS? o The saving of time and money for both the client and the agent. o Client involved and informed every step of the shipment process. o Cuts down on misunderstandings and misinformation. o All parties in constant communication via . Supply Chain Management B2B - thus: - oUser Friendly
Purpose of the system o To provide a central database containing details of the client and agent orders available to all participating offices. o To allow the order details to be accessible on the Internet all year round (24 hours a day 7 days a week). o To enable all parties to monitor/track orders/shipments and print reports relevant to their own businesses. o To allow all parties to participate in an order process and update details as required thereby linking the Importer and the Exporter/Consignee and Supplier. o The system is based on the principles of process control thus linking all participating parties.
o Either the Client or the Agents office creates the order with all the required details. o The system automatically generates and sends an to all participating parties. The HTML questions must be answered o The Exporting office updates the order with the intended shipment details. o The order is updated by either the Shipper/Supplier or the Client office with the availability date provided by the supplier. o The actual shipment details are linked to the order once the Exporting office makes them available. (NB Note Fields are available for each party to communicate with. These will automatically generate s if required.) How it Works: 5 simple steps
More about ROFS o Centralized Data Base o Event Driven o supported o Interfaces with Client ERP Systems
User Registration In order to use the ROFS system each potential user must first register.
User Registration (cont.) o Application forwarded to Administrator. o Administrator completes user registration application and forwards to applicant. o Registration application completed and returned to the Administrator. o Administrator issues a temporary password with access to the system to the user. o Administrator will assist applicant with capturing of required supplier or items details etc. o The applicant is ready to go. N.B. Introductory s sent to suppliers
Logging into the System This screen is the ROFS welcome page with the ROFS menu bar displayed below
The ROFS menu bar Search Search Orders List last 7 days Containers Process Control Orders New Order Order Items Item Status Shipment Status Process Control Containers Container Status User Define Follow Up User Shipment Reporting Custom Reports Report Scheduler System Reports Agents Usage Reports Tools Item Management Change Password Manage Client/Agent Info. notifications Archive Orders IFTMIN Import IDB Master Bill Modification IDB ETA Details Modification Maintain Shipper/Forwarder/Consignee Admin. Manage Client/Agent Info User Mappings Copy User Mappings City Code/s log Edit Latest News User Manager System User List Transfer Users User Log Order Transfer List Maint. Transfer History # of Connections Help General Orders Capture Orders Search Item Capture Item Status Logout Go To Röhlig.com Go to Röhlig Australia Go to Röhlig Italy Go to Röhlig S.Africa Relogin
Conclusion This has been a very brief overview of the Freight Fusion Systems: Remote Order Follow-up System We hope that this introduction has been detailed enough to give you a clear idea of the functionality and strength of the system within the e-commerce domain. NB. Training on the system available upon request.